李嘉豪教授参与医学院的「Go Global」工作坊系列

Prof. Kenneth K.H. Lee, Chief of the Developmental and Regenerative Biology Thematic Research Program of the School of Biomedical Sciences and Co-director of the CUHK-UOS Joint Laboratory for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, was invited as one of the speakers at the “Accelerate Your Career Through International Collaborations” Workshop (the Workshop) held on 3 March 2018.

The Workshop was organized by the Office of Global Engagement, Faculty of Medicine as one of workshops under their “Go Global” Series. It was also included as one of the sharing sessions in the Faculty Strategic Workshop 2018. The Workshop aims to offer tactics on how to expand and extend the international reach to the academic staff of the Faculty. Prof. Lee shared some tips with the audiences on how to start, lead, maintain and leverage on research partnerships, as well as the collaboration experience in basic sciences. Prof. Siew-Chien Ng, Professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, another guest speaker of the Workshop, shared her collaboration experience in clinical sciences.

生物醫學學院發育及再生生物學主題研究組主任、香港中文大學 — 南安普頓大學幹細胞及再生醫學聯合實驗室聯席主任李嘉豪教授獲邀出席在2018年3月3日舉辦的「Accelerate Your Career Through International Collaborations」工作坊(工作坊)作主講嘉賓。

由醫學院國際事務策劃處主辦,工作坊屬「Go Global」工作坊系列之一,並包括在醫學院2018年度大會其中一分享環節。工作坊旨在為醫學院學術人員分享拓展國際連繫的方法和技巧。李教授在工作坊上解述了如何開展、帶領、保持和維繫研究合作關係,以及在基礎科學上的合作經驗。工作坊另一位講者乃中大內科及藥物治療學系黃秀娟教授分享了有關臨床科學的合作經驗。

生物医学学院发育及再生生物学主题研究组主任、香港中文大学 — 南安普顿大学干细胞及再生医学联合实验室联席主任李嘉豪教授获邀出席在2018年3月3日举办的「Accelerate Your Career Through International Collaborations」工作坊(工作坊)作主讲嘉宾。

由医学院国际事务策划处主办,工作坊属「Go Global」工作坊系列之一,并包括在医学院2018年度大会其中一分享环节。工作坊旨在为医学院学术人员分享拓展国际连系的方法和技巧。李教授在工作坊上解述了如何开展、带领、保持和维系研究合作关系,以及在基础科学上的合作经验。工作坊另一位讲者乃中大内科及药物治疗学系黄秀娟教授分享了有关临床科学的合作经验。
