5th Meeting of Partnership Steering Committee on Collaboration between The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Co-chaired by Prof. Bai Chunli, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the 5th meeting of Partnership Steering Committee on Collaboration between CUHK and CAS was held on 8 November 2018 in CUHK. Including members from the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), more than 40 CUHK and CAS members of various joint laboratories and projects attended the meeting and reported on their progress made in the past year.
During the meeting, Prof. Feng Bo, Associate Professor of SBS and Associate Director of CUHK-Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (GIBH), CAS Joint Research Laboratory on Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine; and Prof. Zhao Hui, Assistant Professor of SBS and Associate Director of CAS Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ) – CUHK Joint Laboratory of Bio-resources and Molecular Research of Common Diseases, shared with the participants the recent progress and achievements, the future development plans of the respective joint laboratories, and the possibilities of expanding collaboration along with the Greater Bay Area Initiative.
Before concluding the meeting, an agreement between the Guangzhou Regenerative Medicine and Health Guangdong Laboratory (GRMH-GDL) and the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM) of CUHK was signed for establishing GRMH-GDL–CUHK Joint Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, which signified a critical moment for iTERM and CUHK to build up a strategic partnership and foster the cross-boundary collaboration with GRMH-GDL.
The corresponding coverage by the Office of Academic Links (China) can be viewed HERE.
香港中文大學 (中大)– 中國科學院(中科院)合作指導委員會第五次會議於2018年11月8日在中大舉行。由中大校長段崇智教授和中科院院長白春禮教授主持,連同中大生物醫學學院的代表,共有超過40位中大及中科院聯合實驗室和項目的代表參與是次會議。
會上,生物醫學學院副教授及中大 – 中科院廣州生物醫藥與健康研究院幹細胞與再生醫學聯合實驗室副主任馮波教授、以及生物醫學學院助理教授及中大 – 中科院昆明動物研究所生物資源與疾病分子機理聯合實驗室副主任趙暉教授,分別就各聯合實驗室與委員會分享最新進展、研究成果和未來發展方向、以及在粵港澳大灣區發展藍圖下擴大現有合作範疇的可能。
香港中文大学 (中大)– 中国科学院(中科院)合作指导委员会第五次会议于2018年11月8日在中大举行。由中大校长段崇智教授和中科院院长白春礼教授主持,连同中大生物医学学院的代表,共有超过40位中大及中科院联合实验室和项目的代表参与是次会议。
会上,生物医学学院副教授及中大 – 中科院广州生物医药与健康研究院干细胞与再生医学联合实验室副主任冯波教授、以及生物医学学院助理教授及中大 – 中科院昆明动物研究所生物资源与疾病分子机理联合实验室副主任赵晖教授,分别就各联合实验室与委员会分享最新进展、研究成果和未来发展方向、以及在粤港澳大湾区发展蓝图下扩大现有合作范畴的可能。