The 4th Pan-Asian Biomedical Science Conference

Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of the School of Biomedical Sciences, led a 10-member delegation to attend the 4th Pan-Asian Biomedical Science Conference held in Danang, Vietnam during 5 – 7 December 2018.

Co-organized by the School of Medicine and Pharmacy and VNUK Institute for Research and Executive Education, The University of Danang, Vietnam, the 3-day event attracted more than 300 international scientists and scholars to participate. The Conference was the fourth conference organized under the Pan-Asian Biomedical Science Consortium (PABSC) (formerly known as ASIA-International Biomedical Science Consortium) which was officially established in 2011 aiming to tighten the regional academic collaborations and linkages.

Our School delegation comprising Prof. Andrew M.L. Chan, Associate Director (Development), Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education), Dr. Ann S.N. Lau, Assistant Director (Ug Ed – BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme), Mr. Chan Chi-ho, Administrative Head, and five postgraduate students, together with other participants witnessed the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the membership of the PABSC on the last day of the Conference. Current consortium members increased from 11 to 18 tertiary and research institutions from Southeast-Asia, and would continue to take turn to host the event biennially.

Following its success in hosting the 2nd Pan-Asian Biomedical Science Conference in 2014, it was agreed by consortium members that the next conference be held again by the School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK in 2020.



本院代表團成員包括副院長(策略發展)陳文樂教授、副院長(研究生教育)陳活彜教授、助理院長(本科生教育 – 生物醫學理學士課程)劉善雅博士、行政主管陳志豪先生、以及五位研究生,聯同其他參加者在會議的第三日一同見證聯會的續簽儀式。聯會成員由當初的11所增至現在18所東南亞的教育及科研機構,並繼續由聯會成員輪流主辦每兩年一次的會議。




本院代表团成员包括副院长(策略发展)陈文乐教授、副院长(研究生教育)陈活彝教授、助理院长(本科生教育 – 生物医学理学士课程)刘善雅博士、行政主管陈志豪先生、以及五位研究生,联同其他参加者在会议的第三日一同见证联会的续签仪式。联会成员由当初的11所增至现在18所东南亚的教育及科研机构,并继续由联会成员轮流主办每两年一次的会议。


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