Activities and Outreach Events for the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme
The BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme (BSc Programme) Team arranged the following activities for BSc Programme students between January and April 2019:
Date | Name | Speaker(s) |
28 February 2019 | Introduction of MD+ Programme at The University of Western Australia (UWA) |
5 March 2019 | Introduction of Summer Internship Program, organized by Hong Kong Life Sciences Society (HKLSS) |
15 March 2019 | Introduction of DUKE-NUS MD Programme of Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore |
- Career Talk by Phase Scientific on 17 April 2019: Dr. Ricky Chiu, CEO of Phase Scientific, a start-up company shared his views on the landscape of biomedical sciences and diagnostic development in Hong Kong, as well as career opportunities in Phase Scientific.
By arranging these activities, we hope our students could have more exposure to the future development opportunities and current market to facilitate them in planning career path.
To continually promote the BSc Programme, the School also took part in various events to raise secondary school students’ interest in biomedical sciences and our Programme. These included:
- Admission talk for Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Secondary School on 18 January 2019: Dr. Sam H.K. Poon of SBS delivered admission talk to 30 Secondary 5 students, addressing Biomedical Sciences’ impact on daily life and details of our BSc Programme.
- English Schools Foundation (ESF) University Fair 2019 on 18 February 2019: This is the second year that SBS was invited by King George V School to participate in their annual ESF University fair, enabling students from ESF Schools to enhance understanding of our BSc programme. About 1,200 Year 12 students from ESF Secondary Schools took part in the fair.
- CUHK University Taster Fair for Secondary School Students on 23 March 2019: Dr. Ann S.N. Lau, Deputy Programme Director was invited to conduct seminar and workshop about the BSc Programme to 128 senior secondary school students in University Taster Fair organized by Office of Admission and Financial Aids (OAFA). Our Year 1 student ambassadors and a Ph.D. graduate also shared their study experience. The participants had gained a better understanding of our programme features and career prospects.
- HK SciFest 2019 – Decoding the Gene on 21 April 2019: The School again was invited to participate in the HK SciFest organized by Hong Kong Science Museum for the third year, and hosted 4 sessions of activities about “Decoding the Gene”. A total of 98 participants took part in the activities at which hands-on workshops were arranged to enhance their interest in biomedical sciences.
To further attract prospective overseas students to the BSc Programme, Dr. Ann Lau continued to participate in outreach events coordinated by OAFA. These included visits to two high schools, admission talk and interview in Malaysia between 17 and 20 January 2019; admission interview in Taipei between 1 and 3 March 2019.
With the continuous effort in promoting the Programme, we anticipate more high-caliber and promising students will get admitted to the Programme.
日期 | 主題 | 講者 |
2019月2日28日 | Introduction of MD+ Programme at The University of Western Australia (UWA) |
2019年3月5日 | 香港生物科技青年會Introduction of Summer Internship Program |
2019年3月15日 | Introduction of DUKE-NUS MD Programme of Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore |
- 於2019年4月17日舉行由初創企業相達生物科技首席執行官Dr. Ricky Chiu主講的職業規劃講座,讓學生了解香港生物科技及檢測行業發展,以及公司提供的工作機會。
- 於2019年1月18日,學院潘匡杰博士為長沙灣天主教英文中學舉行入學講座,向30位中五學生介紹生物醫學對生活的影響及生物醫學理學士課程資料。
- 本學院第二年受英皇佐治五世學校邀請,於2019年2月18日參與一年一度的英基學校協會大學展,活動共有1200位英基學校第12班的學生參加,令學生更了解課程。
- 香港中文大學(中大)入學及學生資助處於2019年3月23日舉行CUHK University Taster Fair,旨在讓高中學生了解更多中大本科課程。生物醫學理學士課程副主任劉善雅博士獲邀主持研討會及工作坊,而生物醫學理學士課程的一年級生及學院博士生亦與參加者分享了他們在大學的經驗。當日共逾128名高中學生參與活動,對課程及前景加深認識。
- 學院第三年參與由香港科學館主辦的香港科學節2019,於2019年4月21日在香港科學館主持名為「基因解碼」的活動。當日吸引共98位參加者,透過體驗工作坊了解生物醫學。
日期 | 主题 | 讲者 |
2019月2日28日 | Introduction of MD+ Programme at University Western Australia (UWA) |
2019年3月5日 | 香港生物科技青年会Introduction of Summer Internship Program |
2019年3月15日 | Introduction of DUKE-NUS MD Programme of NUS Medical School, Singapore |
- 于2019年4月17日举行由初创企业相达生物科技首席执行官Dr. Ricky Chiu主讲的职业规划讲座,让学生了解香港生物科技及检测行业发展,以及公司提供的工作机会。
- 于2019年1月18日,学院潘匡杰博士为长沙湾天主教英文中学举行入学讲座,向30位中五学生介绍生物医学对生活的影响及生物医学理学士课程数据。
- 本学院第二年受英皇佐治五世学校邀请,于2019年2月18日参与一年一度的英基学校协会大学展,活动共有1200位英基学校第12班的学生参加,令学生更了解课程。
- 香港中文大学(中大)入学及学生资助处于2019年3月23日举行CUHK University Taster Fair,旨在让高中学生了解更多中大本科课程。生物医学理学士课程副主任刘善雅博士获邀主持研讨会及工作坊,而生物医学理学士课程的一年级生及学院博士生亦与参加者分享了他们在大学的经验。当日共逾128名高中学生参与活动,对课程及前景加深认识。
- 学院第三年参与由香港科学馆主办的香港科学节2019,于2019年4月21日在香港科学馆主持名为「基因解碼」的活动。当日吸引共98位参加者,透过体验工作坊了解生物医学。