
Organized by the Cancer Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (CBET) Thematic Research Program of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), two Technological Workshops on the topics of “Single-cell Analysis” and “Big Data and Omics Analysis” were successfully held on 29 and 30 July 2020. The workshops were conducted in an online format and attended by over 300 participants from CUHK as well as other local and overseas tertiary institutions.

Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS and Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui, Associate Director (Research) of SBS, delivered the opening remarks in the beginning of the respective workshops. Eight speakers, including Prof. David Gorkin from University of California San Diego, U.S.; Prof. Paul Klenerman, the University of Oxford, U.K.; Prof. Guo Guoji, Zhejiang University, China; Prof. Wang Jiguang from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST); Prof. Kevin Y.L. Yip, CUHK; and three of our School members, Prof. Alfred S.L. Cheng, Prof. Vivian W.Y. Lui and Prof. So Hon-cheong were invited to give lectures in the workshops.

These two workshops kicked off our Technological Workshop Series which aims to gather experts of specific and cutting-edge techniques to further update our School members with the latest knowledge and significant know-how, and in turn strengthen our research capacity and competitiveness.

The Workshop Programme can be viewed HERE.


學院院長陳文樂教授及副院長(研究)徐國榮教授分別就兩個研討會致開幕辭。八位講者包括美國聖地牙哥加利福尼亞大學David Gorkin教授、英國牛津大學Paul Klenerman教授、中國浙江大學郭國驥教授、香港科技大學王吉光教授 、中大葉旭立教授,以及本學院三位成員鄭詩樂教授、呂偉欣教授及蘇漢昌教授在研討會中分享。




学院院长陈文乐教授及副院长(研究)徐国荣教授分别就两个研讨会致开幕辞。八位讲者包括美国圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学David Gorkin教授、英国牛津大学Paul Klenerman教授、中国浙江大学郭国骥教授、香港科技大学王吉光教授 、中大叶旭立教授,以及本学院三位成员郑诗乐教授、吕伟欣教授及苏汉昌教授在研讨会中分享。


