
Members of our Division of Education (DoE) including Dr. Rebecca K.Y. Lee, Dr. Christopher Y. H. See, Dr. Florence M.K. Tang and Dr. Molly P. M. Wong participated in the eLearning Forum Asia 2020 (eLFA2020) held online between 7 and 8 December 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this was the first virtual conference of eLFA, which was hosted and organized by the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR), The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Together with other participants in Hong Kong and from Asia, members of DoE shared in this event their teaching and learning experience and strategies, as well as the outcomes of their pedagogical innovations (please refer to the following table for the details of their presentations). The oral presentation of Dr. Florence Tang titled “An Innovative Animal Handling Training for Biomedical Research: An Application of Immersive Virtual Reality Technology” was shortlisted and finally won Bronze Award in the category “Technology Innovation Award”.

Through participating in the experience-sharing activities and the continuous efforts in the development of innovative courseware by our DoE members, we believe that the good practices for the advancement of teaching quality and for enhancement of student learning experience can be further promoted within the School.

Authors / Speakers Poster or Oral Presentation Title
Dr. Florence M. K. Tang, Dr. Olivia M. Y. Ngan and Mr. Ray M. F. Lee Oral Presentation

Title: An Innovative Animal Handling Training for Biomedical Research: An Application of Immersive Virtual Reality Technology

(Bronze Award in the category “Technology Innovation Award”)
Dr. Rebecca K. Y. Lee, Mr. Chen Minghui and Mr. Bernard Y. N. Ng and Oral Presentation

Title: Learning Biochemical Pathways in a Fun Way: The Development of Pre-class and Post-class Micromodules
Dr. Molly P. M. Wong, Dr. Florence M. K. Tang and Mr. Frederic W. T. Choi Poster Presentation

Title: Challenges to Online Assessments and Academic Integrity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dr. Christopher Y. H. See and Ms. Ho Yuen Shan Poster Presentation

Title: Instagram Stories for Teaching Human Anatomy: Possibilities and Issues for the COVID-19 Era

本院教育學部成員李潔瑩博士、施由鴻博士、鄧美娟博士及黃佩文博士於2020年12月7至8日參與了於網上舉行2020網上學習亞洲論壇 (eLFA2020) (只限英文版本)。由於新冠肺炎疫情關係,這是首次於網上進行的網上學習亞洲論壇,並由香港中文大學學能提升研究中心主持及舉辦。於研討會中,教育學部成員跟來自亞洲及香港的與會者分享了他們的教與學經驗、策略、及相關嶄新教學概念的成果(請參考下表的詳細資料)。其中,鄧美娟博士發表的題為「用於生物醫學技能訓練的創新動物處理方法:沉浸式虛擬現實技術的應用」的報告在「科技創新」組別中獲選入圍並最終獲得銅獎。


作者 / 講者 牆報、口頭報告題目
鄧美娟博士、顏妙融博士、李謀豐先生 口頭報告:

(「科技創新獎」組別 - 銅獎)
李潔瑩博士 、陳明慧女士、吳逸楠先生 口頭報告:
黃佩文博士、鄧美娟博士、蔡偉濤先生 牆報報告:
「COVID-19大流行期間在線評估和學術誠信面臨的挑戰2. 」
施由鴻博士、何沅珊女士 牆報報告:

本院教育学部成员李洁莹博士、施由鸿博士、邓美娟博士及黄佩文博士于2020年12月7至8日参与了于网上举行2020网上学习亚洲论坛 (eLFA2020) (只限英文版本)。由于新冠肺炎疫情关系,这是首次于网上进行的网上学习亚洲论坛,并由香港中文大学学能提升研究中心主持及举办。于研讨会中,教育学部成员跟来自亚洲及香港的与会者分享了他们的教与学经验、策略、及相关崭新教学概念的成果(请参考下表的详细资料)。其中,邓美娟博士发表的题为「用于生物医学技能训练的创新动物处理方法:沉浸式虚拟现实技术的应用」的报告在「科技创新」组别中获选入围并最终获得铜奖。


作者 / 讲者 墙报、口头报告题目
邓美娟博士、颜妙融博士、李谋丰先生 口头报告:

(「科技创新奖」组别 - 铜奖)
李洁莹博士 、陈明慧女士、吴逸楠先生 口头报告:
黄佩文博士、邓美娟博士、蔡伟涛先生 墙报报告:
「COVID-19大流行期间在线评估和学术诚信面临的挑战2. 」
施由鸿博士、何沅珊女士 墙报报告: