Dr. Willmann Liang awarded the "Fellow of the Academy of Pharmacology Educators" by the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Dr. Willmann Liang, Lecturer of the School, has been selected for "Fellow of the Academy of Pharmacology Educators" in 2021 by the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). Dr. Liang is the first faculty from an Asian university receiving this honour which recognizes educators who have made exemplary contributions to pharmacology education.
We sincerely congratulate Dr. Liang on his exceptional achievements and devoted efforts in education. The related coverage by the ASPET can be viewed HERE; while the coverage by Information Services Office, CUHK can be viewed HERE.
本學院講師梁偉文博士,最近獲美國藥理與實驗治療學會選為2021年度「藥理教育學院院士」(Fellow of the Academy of Pharmacology Educators)。此獎項表揚對藥理教育作出傑出貢獻的教育工作者,梁博士為首位於亞洲大學任職的教師獲得此項殊榮。
本学院讲师梁伟文博士,最近获美国药理与实验治疗学会选为2021年度「药理教育学院院士」(Fellow of the Academy of Pharmacology Educators)。此奖项表扬对药理教育作出杰出贡献的教育工作者,梁博士为首位于亚洲大学任职的教师获得此项殊荣。