Activities and Outreach Events for the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme
The BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme (BSc Programme) Team participated in the following activities between January and April 2021:
- Online Regional Fairs – International Outreach Weekends: The Office of Admission and Financial Aid (OAFA) of CUHK hosted the Online Regional Fairs to promote CUHK undergraduate programmes to students worldwide. The BSc Team participated in the two online sessions held on 23 January and 20 February 2021 targeting students from Malaysia, Brunei, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and Australasia. During the event, Dr. Ann S.N. Lau, Programme Director of BSc in Biomedical Sciences introduced the Programme, followed by admission interviews arranged for applicants.
- CUHK University Taster Fair coordinated by OAFA for Secondary School Students on 10 April 2021: In the morning session, Prof. Linda S. Gu and Prof. Vincent C.K. Cheung of the School introduced to the participants their research expertise in medical genetics and neuroscience, the relevant social impacts and emerging demand for biomedical scientists, as well as the career paths of the graduates. In the afternoon session, our BSc students, including Miss Natalie H.T. Woo and Mr. Wang Yu-yang presented in drama format to demonstrate the importance of precision required in modern medicine, research and application, followed by a round-up by Dr. Nandita Mullapudi, Lecturer of the School about the skill-based training in the programme. More than 200 secondary school students participated in the sessions and had gained a better understanding of our programme features and career prospects.
With various promotional activities to reach out to prospective students, we hope to attract more high calibre and promising students to get admitted to our BSc Programme.
- 網上地區博覽會 – 國際推廣周末:由香港中文大學(中大)入學及學生資助處舉辦的網上地區博覽會,向國際學生推廣中大本科課程。生物醫學理學士課程團隊參與了2021年1月23日和2月20日的環節,參加者為來自馬來西亞、文萊、蒙古、菲律賓、新加坡、南韓、日本及澳紐地區的學生。期間課程主任劉善雅博士介紹課程,並為申請者安排入學面試。
- 中大入學及學生資助處於2021年4月10日為中學生舉行CUHK University Taster Fair。在上午環節,本院顧燊教授及張智鈞教授介紹了他們的研究專長醫學遺傳學和神經科學領域,其社會影響、對生物醫學科學家的新興需求,以及生物醫學理學士課程畢業生的事業路向。在下午環節,生物醫學理學士課程的一年級生胡鎧潼及王宇揚同學以戲劇形式展示了現代醫學、研究和應用所需要的精確度的重要,並由本院講師Nandita Mullapudi博士總結課程中的技能培訓。當日共逾200名中學生參與以上活動,對課程及前景加深認識。
- 网上地区博览会 – 国际推广周末:由香港中文大学(中大)入学及学生资助处举办的网上地区博览会,向国际学生推广中大本科课程。生物医学理学士课程团队参与了2021年1月23日和2月20日的环节,参加者为来自马来西亚、文莱、蒙古、菲律宾、新加坡、南韩、日本及澳紐地区的学生。期间课程主任刘善雅博士介绍课程,并为申请者安排入学面试。
- 中大入学及学生资助处于2021年4月10日为中学生举行CUHK University Taster Fair。在上午环节,本院顾燊教授及张智钧教授介绍了他们的研究专长医学遗传学和神经科学领域,其社会影响、对生物医学科学家的新兴需求,以及生物医学理学士课程毕业生的事业路向。在下午环节,生物医学理学士课程的一年级生胡铠潼及王宇扬同学以戏剧形式展示了现代医学、研究和应用所需要的精确度的重要,并由本院讲师Nandita Mullapudi博士总结课程中的技能培训。当日共逾200名中学生参与以上活动,对课程及前景加深认识。
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