
After graduation from SBS in 2021, I started my M.Sc. in Clinical and Therapeutic Neuroscience at the University of Oxford. U.K. in the same year. I am grateful to have biomedical sciences as my undergraduate degree, which provides a solid foundation for my further studies. The courses in the B.Sc. in Biomedical Sciences Programme have equipped me with the important basic knowledge, facilitating me to pursue postgraduate education focusing on preclinical and clinical studies in neuroscience.

During my study at SBS, I had acquired essential laboratory experience and skills and built up teamwork abilities under the supervision of Prof. Andrew M. Chan in my final year project, and Prof. Kwan Yiu-wa in Summer Undergraduate Biomedical Research Attachment (SUBRA). The experience has greatly helped my two M.Sc. rotation projects on neuropathic pain and autism-associated gene. In October 2022, I will join Prof. Esther Becker’s Laboratory in the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford as a D.Phil. student, to investigate the role of metabotropic glutamate receptors in the cerebellum using the latest human-induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) technology and gene editing technology.

In the future, I would like to continue my research career in neuroscience and aspire to eventually develop my research group to investigate the neuroscience of mental health. Finally, I would like to thank the staunch support from the teachers and classmates at SBS during my undergraduate studies.

在2021年從中大生物醫學學院畢業後,同年我在英國牛津大學修讀臨床和治療神經科學理學碩士。我十分慶幸我的本科學位是生物醫學,為我進一步深造奠定了穩固的基礎。 中大生物醫學理學士課程為我提供了重要的基礎知識,令我追求研究學業時神經科學的臨床前和臨床研究的學習。

在 生物醫學學院學習期間,我在陳文樂教授指導的畢業項目及關耀華指導的本科生暑期研究實習中,學習到必要的實驗室經驗及技能和團隊合作能力, 大大幫助了我碩士課程中兩個針對神經性痛症和自閉症相關基因項目。2022年10 月,我將作為哲學博士加入牛津大學Nuffield臨床神經科學系Esther Becker教授的實驗室,透過最新的人類誘導多能幹細胞 (hiPSC) 技術和基因編輯技術,研究代謝型谷氨酸受體在小腦中的作用。



在 生物医学学院学习期间,我在陈文乐教授指导的毕业项目及关耀华指导的本科生暑期研究实习中,学习到必要的实验室经验及技能和团队合作能力, 大大帮助了我硕士课程中两个针对神经性痛症和自闭症相关基因项目。 2022年10 月,我将作为哲学博士加入牛津大学Nuffield临床神经科学系Esther Becker教授的实验室,透过最新的人类诱导多能干细胞 (hiPSC) 技术和基因编辑技术,研究代谢型谷氨酸受体在小脑中的作用。

