Prof. Gu Shen and Prof. Wang Wuming receiving NSFC Young Scientists Fund 2022

Our School members, Prof. Gu Shen, Assistant Professor and Prof. Wang Wuming, Research Assistant Professor have been awarded the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s (NSFC) Young Scientists Fund 2022. Each of them will receive funding of RMB 300,000 to support the following scientific research projects for three years:

Awardee Project Title
Prof. Gu Shen Exploring the causes of selective neuronal vulnerability through UBAP1 associated hereditary spastic paraplegia
Prof. Wang Wuming Elucidating the roles of Pten in cardiac fibroblast generation and myocardial fibrosis

We would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to Prof. Gu and Prof. Wang on their outstanding achievements and wish them continued success in their research endeavours. The related coverage by the Communications and Public Relations Office, CUHK can be viewed HERE.

Prof. Gu Shen (left) and Prof. Wang Wuming (right)


獲獎者 研究項目
顧燊教授 通過 UBAP1 突變導致的遺傳性痙攣性截癱探究神經元選擇易損性機理
王武明教授 Pten 在調控心臟成纖維細胞的產生及心肌纖維化的作用和機制研究




获奖者 研究项目
顾燊教授 通过 UBAP1 突变导致的遗传性痉挛性截瘫探究神经元选择易损性机理
王武明教授 Pten 在调控心脏成纤维细胞的产生及心肌纤维化的作用和机制研究



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