Japan Study Tour 2024 of MSc Programme in Genomics and Bioinformatics

As a kick-off for the new year of 2024, MSc Programme in Genomics and Bioinformatics has held the Japan Study Tour 2024 on 2-6 January 2024 for its current students and alumni.

Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui ,Programme Director, Dr. Jessie Huang, Lecturer and Ms. Karen Kong led 10 students and 2 alumni on a visit to two famous universities in Japan, Kyoto University and University of Tokyo. Prof. Tsui has connected the participants with Prof. Tatsuya Akustsu, Prof. Hiroyuki Ogata and Prof. Hiroshi Mamitsuka from the Kyoto University Bioinformatics Center. All the participants gained valuable insights from the presentations given by these professors about their research projects. The visit also included a tour of the Supercomputer Room at the Center, which hosts the KEGG platform in Prof. Ogata’s laboratory. The participants were thrilled by this opportunity.

Also, a visit to the University of Tokyo was arranged for the participants, where they had the opportunity to meet Prof. Martin Frith of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences. They had the chance to interact with Prof. Frith’s research team.

This enlightening study tour experience has inspired the participants to consider joining top-notch research teams in different countries for their future careers. We hope that they will have more chances to explore research communities worldwide and fulfil their dreams in the future.

Photo taken on the main campus of the Kyoto University. The tree behind the participants is the logo of the Kyoto University.

The tour group met with Prof. Martin Frith (7th left, back row) at the University of Tokyo



徐教授為交流團聯絡了京都大學化學研究所生物資訊中心的阿久津達也教授、緒方博之教授及馬見塚拓教授。同學們從三位教授的研究項目報告中得到寶貴的知識。交流團還參觀了中心的超級電腦室,裡面設有緒方教授實驗室的KEGG平台 。

另外,交流團亦安排了參觀東京大學新領域創成科學研究科,與Martin Frith教授見面,並與他的研究團隊交流。



學術交流團於東京大學與Martin Frith教授(後排左七)見面



徐教授为交流团联络了京都大学化学研究所生物资讯中心的阿久津达也教授、绪方博之教授及马见冢拓教授。 同学们从三位教授的研究项目报告中得到宝贵的知识。 交流团还参观了中心的超级电脑室,里面设有绪方教授实验室的KEGG平台 。

另外,交流团亦安排了参观东京大学新领域创成科学研究科,与Martin Frith教授见面,并与他的研究团队交流。

这次学术交流之旅启发同学以将来加入不同国家的顶尖研究团队为目标。 我们希望同学将来有更多机会探索世界各地的研究社群,实现他们的梦想。


学术交流团于东京大学与Martin Frith教授(后排左七)见面

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