Vincent Cheng Yin Chun, BSc graduate awarded prestigious fellowship from the National Ataxia Foundation

Vincent Cheng Yin Chun, a 2021 BSc graduate in Biomedical Sciences, is currently pursuing his D.Phil. in Prof. Esther Becker's Laboratory at the University of Oxford. He has been awarded a prestigious research fellowship from the National Ataxia Foundation for his project titled “Elucidating developmental gene expression changes in Spinocerebellar Ataxia 44”. The fellowship provides USD $25,000 in support, enabling him to explore the mechanisms behind the abnormal development of nerve cells in the cerebellum, contributing to the progression of Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA). In the long run, his goal is to identify new therapeutic strategies for SCA patients.

The details can be viewed here.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Vincent for his remarkable academic accomplishments and wish him continued success in his future research endeavours.

Vincent Cheng Yin Chun (photo source: The Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery)

程彥臻校友於2021年取得生物醫學理學學士學位,目前正在牛津大學Esther Becker教授的實驗室攻讀博士學位。他的研究項目「闡明脊髓小腦性共濟失調44型中的發育基因表達變化」獲得美國國家共濟失調基金會頒發的研究獎學金。這項獎學金提供25,000美元的資助,使他能夠探索小腦神經細胞異常發育背後的機制,這有助於了解脊髓小腦性共濟失調 (SCA) 的發展。他的長遠目標是為 SCA 患者找到新的治療策略。



程彥臻 (相片來源:The Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery)

程彦臻校友于2021年取得生物医学理学学士学位,目前正在牛津大学Esther Becker教授的实验室攻读博士学位。 他的研究项目「阐明脊髓小脑性共济失调44型中的发育基因表达变化」获得美国国家共济失调基金会颁发的研究奖学金。 这项奖学金提供25,000美元的资助,使他能够探索小脑神经细胞异常发育背后的机制,这有助于了解脊髓小脑性共济失调 (SCA) 的发展。 他的长远目标是为 SCA 患者找到新的治疗策略。



程彦臻(相片来源:The Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery)

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