Welcome cum Back-to School Party for Undergraduate Biomedical Sciences Students (2024/25)

As an annual event to mark the official start of the new academic year, the BSc Programme Team of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) organized the Welcome cum Back-to School Party for Undergraduate Biomedical Sciences Students on 2 September 2024. Approximately 140 students and members of the school's academic staff participated.

After the opening remarks by Miss Le Minh Nguyet and Mr. Kim Mincheol, Year 2 & 6 students in BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme respectively, Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS, gave a welcome speech. New students received welcome gifts from their Academic Mentors (AMs) and Personal Development Mentors (PDMs). Dr. Ann S.N. Lau concluded the event with remarks after an introduction of Biomicostella, the Society of Biomedical Sciences. Freshmen had the opportunity to meet their AMs and PDMs to foster engagement and socialization. We warmly welcome all new SBS members and wish everyone a successful academic year.

Group photo of the Welcome cum Back-to School Party

Prof. Andrew M. Chan

Dr. Ann S.N. Lau

Students and the academic staff members engage at the party


生物醫學理學士課程二年級學生Le Minh Nguyet小姐和六年級學生Kim Mincheol先生致開幕辭後,本學院院長陳文樂教授向新生歡迎辭,之後學術及個人發展導師致送歡迎紀念品予新生。於學院院會「生醫星璇Biomicostella」的介紹後,劉善雅博士致閉幕辭。所有新生獲安排與他們的導師見面和交流。我們熱烈歡迎新生加入本學院,並祝願所有的教師和學生度過一個愉快而充實的新學年。






生物医学理学士课程二年级学生Le Minh Nguyet小姐和六年级学生Kim Mincheol先生致开幕辞后,本学院院长陈文乐教授向新生欢迎辞,之后学术及个人发展导师致送欢迎纪念品予新生。于学院院会「生医星璇Biomicostella」的介绍后,刘善雅博士致闭幕辞。所有新生获安排与他们的导师见面和交流。我们热烈欢迎新生加入本学院,并祝愿所有的教师和学生度过一个愉快而充实的新学年。





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