Mr. Daniel W.Y. Dio, Ph.D. student, awarded the Poster Presentation Award at the Weinstein Cardiovascular Conference 2024
Mr. Daniel W.Y. Dio, a fourth-year student of the MPhil-PhD Programme in Biomedical Sciences, received the Poster Presentation Award of value 350$ CAD at the Weinstein Cardiovascular Conference 2024, which was held in Montreal from 15 to17 May 2024. His presentation, entitled “Coiled-Coil Domain-Containing protein141 is essential for heart morphogenesis in zebrafish”, showcased his significant research contributions. His supervisor is Prof. Zhao Hui.
The Weinstein Cardiovascular Conference has served as a premier platform for researchers in cardiovascular development to interact with each other and discuss many diverse aspects related to cardiovascular embryology and its impact on congenital heart disease and adult cardiac dysfunction.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Dio for his exceptional achievement.
Mr. Daniel W.Y. Dio
生物醫學碩士—博士課程四年級學生Daniel W.Y. Dio同學於2024年5月15至17日在加拿大蒙特利爾舉行的Weinstein Cardiovascular Conference 2024,獲得牆報報告獎,獎金為加幣350元。他的報告題為「Coil-Coil Domain-Containing protein141 is essential for heart morphogenesis in zebrafish」,展示了他在研究上的重要發現。他的導師為趙暉教授。
Weinstein 心血管會議一直是一個重要平台,讓心血管發育研究人員互相交流,討論心血管胚胎學的各方面及其對先天性心臟病和成人心臟功能障礙影響。
我們衷心祝賀 Dio 同學取得卓越成就。
Daniel W.Y. Dio同學
生物医学硕士—博士课程四年级学生Daniel W.Y. Dio同学于2024年5月15至17日在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的Weinstein Cardiovascular Conference 2024,获得墙报报告奖,奖金为加币350元。他的报告题为「Coil-Coil Domain-Containing protein141 is essential for heart morphogenesis in zebrafish」,展示了他在研究上的重要发现。他的导师为赵晖教授。
Weinstein 心血管会议一直是一个重要平台,让心血管发育研究人员互相交流,讨论心血管胚胎学的各方面及其对先天性心脏病和成人心脏功能障碍影响。
我们衷心祝贺 Dio 同学取得卓越成就。
Daniel W.Y. Dio同学