Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan awarded Emeritus Professorship
Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education) of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor by The Chinese University of Hong Kong with effect from 1 August 2024, in appreciation of his outstanding contributions and lifelong service to the University.
Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan
生物醫學學院副院長(研究生教育) 陳活彜教授獲香港中文大學頒授榮休教授名銜,任期由2024年8月1日開始,以表揚他對中大長期作出優異傑出的貢獻。
生物医学学院副院长(研究生教育) 陈活彝教授获香港中文大学颁授荣休教授名衔,任期由2024年8月1日开始,以表扬他对中大长期作出优异杰出的贡献。
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