On 5 June 2024, Prof. Philip W.Y. Chiu, Dean of Medicine, visited the School of Biomedical Sciences. After sharing the School’s recent notable achievements and 5-year development plan by Prof. Andrew M. Chan, our School Director, Dean Chiu shared with us an update on financial support from the faculty and faculty strategies. We truly appreciate the strong and solid support from the Dean and the Faculty over the years.
Dean Chiu
(front row from left) Ms. Zoe Wong, Administrative Director (Finance & Development); Mr. Chan Chi Ho, Administrative Head of SBS; Ms. Nowell Wong, Faculty Secretary & Director of Planning, Faculty and Planning Office; Dean Chiu; Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS; Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education) of SBS, Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui, Associate Director (Research) of SBS and Prof. Hector S.O. Chan, Associate Director (External Links) of SBS together with other School members
(前排左起) 醫學院院務及策劃處行政主管(財務及發展)黃斌莉女士、本院行政主管陳志豪先生、院務主任暨企劃主管黃澤虹女士、醫學院院長趙偉仁教授、本院院長陳文樂教授、副院長(研究生教育)陳活彜教授、副院長(研究事務)徐國榮教授、副院長(對外事務)陳新安教授及其他本院成員
(前排左起) 医学院院务及策划处行政主管(财务及发展)黄斌莉女士、本院行政主管陈志豪先生、院务主任暨企划主管黄泽虹女士、医学院院长赵伟仁教授、本院院长陈文乐教授、副院长(研究生教育)陈活彝教授、副院长(研究事务)徐国荣教授、副院长(对外事务)陈新安教授及其他本院成员