School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) Research Day 2024 & Symposium on Neural, Vascular, & Metabolic Biology was successfully held on 12 June 2024 at G/F, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building. The event was a resounding success, drawing over 300 attendees from CUHK and other academic institutions.
Prof. Wai-yee Chan, Li Ka Shing Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President of CUHK, along with Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Professor and Director of SBS, presided over the opening ceremony. With the special focus on "Neural, Vascular, & Metabolic Biology", the programme was divided into three sessions on “Metabolism and Cellular Regulation”, “Cardiovascular Biology” and “Systems Neuroscience and Neurotechnology”.
The event featured a diverse group of speakers, including four speakers from CUHK and eight external speakers from the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, National Institute of Neuroscience, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tsinghua University and West China Second Hospital, Sichuan University. These experts shared their cutting-edge research findings, creating a dynamic exchange of knowledge.
We were honoured to have three keynote speakers including Prof. Guojun Bu, Lo Ka Chung Charitable Foundation Professor of Science, Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Prof. Bailong Xiao, Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing and Prof. Kazuhiko Seki, Director, Department of Neurophysiology, National Institute of Neuroscience, Tokyo. Their presentations highlighted groundbreaking scientific discoveries.
The flagship event served as a platform for experts from various fields to collaborate and discuss advancements in biomedical sciences. This interdisciplinary approach fostered new connections and sparked innovative ideas. We would like to express our gratitude to all participants for their active engagement, which contributed to the event's success.
Group Photo
Prof. Guojun Bu
Prof. Bailong Xiao
Prof. Kazuhiko Seki
生物醫學學院年度盛事「2024生物醫學學院研究日」(研究日)暨「神經、血管及代謝生物學研討會」在2024年6 月12日於羅桂祥綜合生物醫學大樓地下順利舉行,吸引了逾300位來自香港中文大學(中大)及其他院校的與會者出席。
開幕儀式由李嘉誠生物醫學講座教授及中大副校長陳偉儀教授,及生物醫學學院教授及院長陳文樂教授主持。研討會以「神經、血管及代謝生物學」為主題,分為「代謝及細胞調節」、「心血管生物學 」和 「系統神經科學及神經科技」三個環節。來自不同界別的專家學者,包括四位中大的講者及八位來自香港大學、香港科技大學、日本國立神經研究所、中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院、上海交通大學、清華大學及四川大學華西第二醫院,在演講中分享了他們的最新研究成果。
我們有幸邀請到三位主講講者包括香港科技大學生命科學部盧家聰慈善基金理學教授及講座教授卜國軍教授、北京清華大學藥學院教授肖百龍教授及東京國立神經研究所模型動物開發研究部部長関和彦教授 。他們在演講中分享了突破性的研究發現。
生物医学学院年度盛事「2024生物医学学院研究日」(研究日)暨「神经、血管及代谢生物学研讨会」在2024年6 月12日于罗桂祥综合生物医学大楼地下顺利举行,吸引了逾300位来自香港中文大学(中大)及其他院校的与会者出席。
开幕仪式由李嘉诚生物医学讲座教授及中大副校长陈伟仪教授,及生物医学学院教授及院长陈文乐教授主持。研讨会以「神经、血管及代谢生物学」为主题,分为「代谢及细胞调节」、「心血管生物学 」和 「系统神经科学及神经科技」三个环节。来自不同界别的专家学者,包括四位中大的讲者及八位来自香港大学、香港科技大学、日本国立神经研究所、中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院、上海交通大学、清华大学及四川大学华西第二医院,在演讲中分享了他们的最新研究成果。