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Dr. Florence M.K. Tang (middle) and Dr. Isabel S.S. Hwang (right)

Participation in the 14th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference
Members of the Teaching and Learning (T&L) Unit in the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) participated in the 14th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC), which was organized by the School of Medicine, National University of Singapore between 11 and 15 January 2017.

In the conference, Dr. Isabel S.S. Hwang, Senior Lecturer, presented two e-Posters on the topics “Introduction of Peer-Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) to the Year-1 Medical Class of the Health Sciences Course” and “Linking Pre-class Micro-module (Flipped Classroom) with Post-class Micro-module in a Faculty Foundation Course”, respectively. Another participant, Dr. Florence M.K. Tang, Lecturer won the Merit Award for her presentation of e-Poster titled “The Pilot Study on the e-Professional Study (ePS) in Teaching Anatomy and Physiology: Blended Learning Approach for the Health Professional Education in Faculty of Medicine”.

With participation in the APMEC, it is hoped that the teaching quality and student learning experience of our School can be continually enhanced, and at the same time, our School’s teaching practice and experiences can be shared with educators of medical and healthcare sectors from around the world.