博士研究生何伟雄于INFECTION 2018获颁墙报比赛奖项
Mr. Michael W.H. Ho, a Year 4 Ph.D. student of the School of Biomedical Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Kwan Yiu Wa, received the Poster Presentation Award in the Postgraduate Student Exchange Session in INFECTION 2018. The topic of his presentation was "Development of orally active, universal neutralizing Avian Influenza vaccine". The INFECTION 2018 held between 11 and 13 June 2018 was organized by Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases (CEID), The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
We sincerely congratulate Mr. Ho for his outstanding performance and wish him continued success in his future academic endeavors.
生物醫學學院四年級博士研究生何偉雄先生,在關耀華教授的指導下,於INFECTION 2018的研究生交流環節中,憑藉題為「Development of orally active, universal neutralizing Avian Influenza vaccine」的牆報,獲頒牆報報告獎。INFECTION 2018乃香港中文大學何鴻燊防治傳染病研究中心(中心)舉辦,於2018年6月11至13日假香港威爾斯親王醫院公共衛生學院大樓舉行。
生物医学学院四年级博士研究生何伟雄先生,在关耀华教授的指导下,于INFECTION 2018的研究生交流环节中,凭借题为「Development of orally active, universal neutralizing Avian Influenza vaccine」的墙报,获颁墙报报告奖。INFECTION 2018乃香港中文大学何鸿燊防治传染病研究中心(中心)举办,于2018年6月11至13日假香港韦尔斯亲王医院公共卫生学院大楼举行。