Activities for the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme
The BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme (BSc Programme) Team organized or participated in various activities between September and December 2019, including:
- Inauguration Ceremony and Tea Reception for Academic Year 2019/20 on 2 September 2019: The School held the Inauguration Ceremony for BSc in Biomedical Sciences students to mark the official start of the academic term and welcome newly admitted students to become a member of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS). It was well attended by 95 BSc students and 32 academic staff. The Academic Mentor and Personal Development Mentor were invited to present the welcoming gifts, including labcoat and name badge to the freshmen, marking the start of their university life in the Biomedical Sciences profession.
- Information Session on Postgraduate Studies at CUHK on 8 November 2019: To give BSc students a better understanding the prospects of different opportunities in postgraduate studies, four Programme Directors of the programmes of CUHK were invited to introduce their programmes in the information session. The speakers included Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education), SBS introducing MPhil-PhD in Biomedical Sciences Programme; Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui, SBS introducing MSc in Genomics and Bioinformatics of the School; Prof. Leung Tak-yeung, Chairman of Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, CUHK; and Dr. Daniel H.S. Lee, Associate Vice-President (Innovation and Enterprise), CUHK. They answered questions in association to the relevant programmes, entrance and graduation requirements and qualifications attained, etc.
- Sharing Session entitled "How to Handle Students with Emotional Distress" on 19 November 2019: Prof. So Hon-cheong and Dr. Ann Lau from SBS shared with 10 academic colleagues serving as mentors of students (Academic Mentor/Personal Development Mentor/Research Mentor) about information on common mental issues and effects of psychiatric medications as well as cases on handling students with emotional distress.
In recognition of their excellence in various aspects including academic, research and personal development, students in the BSc Programme obtained different awards and achievements between September and December 2019:
Student Name | Award / Achievement |
Miss Liu Jiaxun (3rd year student in BSc programme) with other CUHK students | Gold Medal, International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) 2019 (See the separate coverage HERE) |
Miss Lou Ut-kei (3rd year student in BSc programme) | CUHK Outstanding Students Awards in Innovation and Invention category |
Mr. Enoch H.L. Poon (4th year in BSc programme) | First prize of oral presentation, Guangdong – Hong Kong Postgraduate Research Symposium on Regenerative Medicine 2019 (See the separate coverage HERE) |
Miss Wang Jingyi (4th year in BSc programme) | HKSAR Government Scholarship 2019/20 |
Mr. Shiah Chih-hau (4th year in BSc programme) Miss Jenny Y.S. Chan (4th year in BSc programme) |
Hong Kong Life Sciences Society Mentorship Scheme (2019/2020) |
We sincerely congratulate the students for their outstanding performance and wish them every success in future endeavor.
- 2019-2020年度生物醫學理學士課程開學禮及茶聚於2019年9月2日順利舉行,共有95位生物醫學理學士課程學生以及32位教學人員參與,代表新學年的開始,與此同時歡迎新生成為學院的一份子。學生的學術及個人發展導師向新生致送紀念品,包括實驗袍及名牌,象徵著他們在生物醫學領域學習的開始。
- 香港中文大學(中大)研究生課程簡介會於2019年11月8日舉行,我們邀請了相關的研究生課程的四位課程主任介紹課程,包括本學院副院長(研究生教育)陳活彜教授介紹本學院生物醫學碩士 — 博士銜接課程、本學院徐國榮教授簡介基因組學及生物信息學理學碩士課程、中大婦產科學系系主任梁德楊教授、以及中大協理副校長(創新及企業)李康善博士。他們為學生解答相關課程的問題,例如入學及畢業要求、及所獲得的資格等。
- 於2019年11月19日舉行了「如何處理情緒困擾的學生」分享會,本學院蘇漢昌教授和劉善雅博士向十位擔任學生導師的學術人員,包括學術導師、個人發展導師、及研究導師介紹常見心理問題和精神科藥物的效用、以及處理有情緒困擾的學生的個案。
學生姓名 | 所獲獎項與榮譽 |
劉佳珣小姐(三年級本科生)聯同其他中大學生 | 2019國際遺傳工程機器設計競賽(iGEM)金獎
(按此處瀏覽相關報導) |
盧悅祺小姐(三年級本科生) | 中大傑出學生獎(創新及發明組別) |
潘衍諾先生(四年級本科生) | 2019年粵港再生醫學研究生學術交流會口頭報告比賽一等獎
王婧怡小姐(四年級本科生) | 2019/20學年香港特別行政區政府獎學基金 |
夏志豪先生(四年級本科生) 陳逾心小姐(四年級本科生) |
香港生命科技青年會師友計劃(2019/2020) |
- 2019-2020年度生物医学理学士课程开学礼及茶聚于2019年9月2日顺利举行,共有95位生物医学理学士课程学生以及32位教学人员参与,代表新学年的开始,与此同时欢迎新生成为学院的一份子。学生的学术及个人发展导师向新生致送纪念品,包括实验袍及名牌,象征着他们在生物医学领域学习的开始。
- 香港中文大学(中大)研究生课程简介会于2019年11月8日举行,我们邀请了相关的研究生课程的四位课程主任介绍课程,包括本学院副院长(研究生教育)陈活彝教授介绍本学院生物医学硕士 — 博士衔接课程、本学院徐国荣教授简介基因组学及生物信息学理学硕士课程、中大妇产科学系系主任梁德杨教授、以及中大协理副校长(创新及企业)李康善博士。他们为学生解答相关课程的问题,例如入学及毕业要求、及所获得的资格等。
- 于2019年11月19日举行了「如何处理情绪困扰的学生」分享会,本学院苏汉昌教授和刘善雅博士向十位担任学生导师的学术人员,包括学术导师、个人发展导师、及研究导师介绍常见心理问题和精神科药物的效用、以及处理有情绪困扰的学生的个案。
学生姓名 | 所获奖项与荣誉 |
刘佳珣小姐(三年级本科生)联同其他中大学生 | 2019国际遗传工程机器设计竞赛(iGEM)金奖 (按此处 浏览相关报导) |
卢悦祺小姐(三年级本科生) | 中大杰出学生奖(创新及发明组别) |
潘衍诺先生(四年级本科生) | 2019年粤港再生医学研究生学术交流会口头报告比赛一等奖 |
王婧怡小姐(四年级本科生) | 2019/20学年香港特别行政区政府奖学基金 |
夏志豪先生(四年级本科生) 陈逾心小姐(四年级本科生) |
香港生命科技青年会师友计划(2019/2020) |