
Since the official inauguration in January 2010, the year 2020 marks the 10th anniversary of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. To commemorate this milestone, the School is going to organise a series of celebratory activities. The planning highlighted activities include The 1st International Symposium of the Hong Kong-Nordic Research Network in early June, The 5th Pan-Asian Biomedical Science Conference (PABSC) in November, and Distinguished Lecture Series, etc.

In late December 2019, we announced the launch of our 10th Anniversary’s crest for adoption in all communication and promotional materials of the School. We would like to thank especially Mr. Nicolas J. Ho, designer of the crest and our Year 1 postgraduate student for his valuable contribution, as well as the staunch support from the SBS Postgraduate Student Association throughout the design process.

Our Alumni Database has been also launched, aiming to connect alumni of various years together, hence strengthening the bonding among alumni and the School, and exploring further collaboration opportunities in the future. SBS Alumni are most welcome to update their latest information regularly to keep in touch with the School.

In these ten years, the School has been taking major strides in achieving research excellence and nurturing outstanding students in Biomedical Sciences. In this memorable year, please stay tuned with our latest news and exciting events!

自2010年1月正式成立,今年2020年是香港中文大學生物醫學學院成立十週年。 為了紀念此里程碑,本學院將籌辦一系列的十周年院慶活動,包括將於今年6月初舉行香港北歐研究網絡第一屆國際研討會、11月的第五屆泛亞生物醫學會議、及傑出學者講座系列等。

在2019年12月下旬,我們宣布推出10週年標誌,於學院所有傳訊及推廣媒介上使用。我們特別鳴謝標誌的設計師、本學院一年級研究生Nicolas J. Ho先生,以及學院研究生會當中的幫助。



自2010年1月正式成立,今年2020年是香港中文大学生物医学学院成立十周年。 为了纪念此里程碑,本学院将筹办一系列的十周年院庆活动,包括将于今年6月初举行香港北欧研究网络第一届国际研讨会、11月的第五届泛亚生物医学会议、及杰出学者讲座系列等。

在2019年12月下旬,我们宣布推出10周年标志,于学院所有传讯及推广媒介上使用。我们特别鸣谢标志的设计师、本学院一年级研究生Nicolas J. Ho先生,以及学院研究生会当中的帮助。


