姚子謙 , 生物醫學理學士畢業生
While pursuing my undergraduate study at the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), CUHK, I would never expect my decision to join the Summer Undergraduate Biomedical Research Attachment (SUBRA) back in the summer of 2019 has initiated my journey in research, in which I got the first taste of biomedical experiments in a real and hands-on laboratory setting. Subsequently, my capstone project in my final year has laid my foundation for running a research project and understanding the qualities to become a good researcher. I am grateful for all the opportunities provided, including the training on laboratory skills and techniques, contributing to publications in scientific journals, and more. This rewarding experience has truly paved the way for developing an interest in research and staying in academia after graduation.
After graduating from my undergraduate study at SBS, I decided to increase my global exposure, and hence, I went to the UK to pursue my postgraduate study at Imperial College London, studying MRes in Clinical Research. I further expanded my skill sets in basic science research. But equally as interesting was the clinical-related work that involved the collection and processing of heart biopsies. My master’s also aided my reassurance that I would like to study PhD, while discovering the research field that I would like to specialize in and fully commit to in my next few years.
In October 2022, I relocated to Oxford and started my DPhil in Medical Sciences at the Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford. My research is focusing on translational cardiovascular diseases, investigating the molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets for cardiac fibrosis. Aside from my studies, I enjoyed my time playing volleyball as a member of the university team. Looking forward to what lies ahead in my PhD and research career.
在中大生物醫學學院攻讀本科課程期間,我從來沒想過參與了2019年本科生暑期研究實習 (SUBRA) 計劃後,不單能第一次在真實的實驗室環境中親身進行生物醫學實驗,並開啟了我的研究之旅。課程最後一年的總整專案畢業專題研究 ,為我開展研究項目和了解成為一名優秀研究人員的素質奠定了紥實基礎。我很感激在學期間所獲的機會,包括實驗室技能和技術的培訓、參與投遞科學期刊的論文著作等等。這種種有益的經歷,切實地為我在發掘研究興趣及畢業後在學術界發展方面,作好充足準備。
在2022 年 10 月,我開始在牛津大學拉德克利夫醫學系攻讀醫學科學博士學位,重點研究轉化型心血管疾病、心臟纖維化的分子機制和治療靶點。課餘時,我享受與大學排球隊成員一起打球的時光。熱切期待我餘下的博士研習生活及往後的學術研究生涯。
在中大生物医学学院攻读本科课程期间,我从来没想过参与了2019年本科生暑期研究实习 (SUBRA) 计划后,不单能第一次在真实的实验室环境中亲身进行生物医学实验,并开启了我的研究之旅。课程最后一年的总整专案毕业专题研究 ,为我开展研究项目和了解成为一名优秀研究人员的素质奠定了扎实基础。我很感激在学期间所获的机会,包括实验室技能和技术的培训、参与投递科学期刊的论文著作等等。这种种有益的经历,切实地为我在发掘研究兴趣及毕业后在学术界发展方面,作好充足准备。
在2022 年 10 月,我开始在牛津大学拉德克利夫医学系攻读医学科学博士学位,重点研究转化型心血管疾病、心脏纤维化的分子机制和治疗靶点。课余时,我享受与大学排球队成员一起打球的时光。热切期待我余下的博士研习生活及往后的学术研究生涯。