
SBS members from the Division of Education including Dr. Isabel S.S. Hwang, Dr. Christopher Y.H. See and Dr. Florence M.K. Tang took the opportunity of the remaining summer period to present their pedagogical work at AMEE 2024 in Basel, Switzerland on 24 – 28 August 2024. AMEE is a leading annual international medical education conference.

Dr Po H.M. Yeung was able to present her work online although she could not attend in person. All of these pedagogical projects, supervised by these teachers, involve active student engagement as partners. Through these projects, students were able to take more ownership of their learning, step outside of their comfort zones, and promote their professional attitudes and values.

The following are the titles and authors of the projects presented.


Authors (SBS member#)

Culture-specific, Hands-on, Interactive Dignity Dining Workshops Cultivating Medical Students’ Awareness of Elderly Care

Amy W.S. Lo, K.W. Lee, C.L. Lee, Queenie Man, Po H.M. Yeung#, Isabel S.S. Hwang#

A Two-Year Cohort Study: Online Micro-module Anti-Sexual Harassment Training Improves Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Amongst Hong Kong Medical Students

W.Y. Tsui, Amy W.S. Lo, Shaun Chad Lee, Sandra S.M. Chan, Simon S.M. Ng, Isabel S.S. Hwang#

How does an AI avatar facilitate small-group learning in the classroom setting? A novel human-computer interface for human anatomy education

Christopher Y.H. See#, Charlotte T.L. Lin, Jasmine Y.L. Louie

Establishment in Academic Collegiality among Health Professional Students by Peer-assisted Study Sessions (PASS)

Po H.M. Yeung#, Isabel S.S. Hwang#, W.M. Szeto

Driving Stimulus Motives in Quality Education with Innovative Digital Learning Space (DLS)

Florence M.K Tang#, Jonathan W.T. Chow, Ms Provides Tsing Yin Ng

Student-Oriented Dissection Workshop (SDW) in Preclinical Training

Arthur W.N. Choi, Siu Cheuk-hang, Mak Yat-shun, Florence M.K Tang#,

Dr. Isabel S.S. Hwang (right) pictures with Dr. Amy W.S. Lo (left)

Dr. Christopher See (right) pictures with Dr. Charlotte T.L. Lin (left) and Dr. Stefano Sandrone (middle), the moderator.

Dr. Florence M.K. Tang (front row) with the medical year 4 students, Mr. Jonathan W.T. Chow (right, back row) and Mr. Arthur W.N. Choi (left, back row) joined the AMEE conference for the presentations of accepted abstracts.

Group photo

生物醫學學院教育學部成員包括黃水珊博士、施由鴻博士及鄧美娟博士利用暑期餘下的時間,於 2024 年 8 月 24 日至 28 日出席在瑞士巴塞爾舉行的2024年國際衛生專業教育學會年會(AMEE),展示他們的教學成果。AMEE 是一年一度的頂尖國際醫學教育會議。




作者 (學院成員#)

Culture-specific, Hands-on, Interactive Dignity Dining Workshops Cultivating Medical Students’ Awareness of Elderly Care


A Two-Year Cohort Study: Online Micro-module Anti-Sexual Harassment Training Improves Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Amongst Hong Kong Medical Students

徐詠源、盧穎心、李尚哲、陳秀雯、吳兆文, 黃水珊#

How does an AI avatar facilitate small-group learning in the classroom setting? A novel human-computer interface for human anatomy education


Establishment in Academic Collegiality among Health Professional Students by Peer-assisted Study Sessions (PASS)


Driving Stimulus Motives in Quality Education with Innovative Digital Learning Space (DLS)


Student-Oriented Dissection Workshop (SDW) in Preclinical Training



施由鴻博士(右)與林天嵐博士(左)及主持 Stefano Sandrone博士(中)合照



生物医学学院教育学部成员包括黄水珊博士、施由鸿博士及邓美娟博士利用暑期余下的时间,于2024 年8 月24 日至28 日出席在瑞士巴塞尔举行的2024年国际卫生专业教育学会年会(AMEE),展示他们的教学成果。 AMEE 是一年一度的顶尖国际医学教育会议。




作者 (学院成员#)

Culture-specific, Hands-on, Interactive Dignity Dining Workshops Cultivating Medical Students’ Awareness of Elderly Care


A Two-Year Cohort Study: Online Micro-module Anti-Sexual Harassment Training Improves Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Amongst Hong Kong Medical Students

徐咏源、卢颖心、李尚哲、陈秀雯、吴兆文, 黄水珊#

How does an AI avatar facilitate small-group learning in the classroom setting? A novel human-computer interface for human anatomy education


Establishment in Academic Collegiality among Health Professional Students by Peer-assisted Study Sessions (PASS)


Driving Stimulus Motives in Quality Education with Innovative Digital Learning Space (DLS)


Student-Oriented Dissection Workshop (SDW) in Preclinical Training



施由鸿博士(右)与林天岚博士(左)及主持 Stefano Sandrone博士(中)合照


