
The BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme (BSc Programme) Team arranged the following activities for BSc Programme students between September and December 2018, including:

  • Inauguration Ceremony of the BSc Programme for the Academic Year 2018-2019 on 3 September 2018:
    A total of 120 participants, including 30 newly admitted BSc Programme Year 1 students, 29 Year 2 students, 20 Year 3 students as well as 29 academic staff, attended the Inauguration Ceremony of the BSc Programme for the academic year 2018-2019.  The ceremony marked the official start of a new academic year, which was also a welcoming ceremony for all newly admitted BSc Programme students who had become a member of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS).
  • Recruitment Talk by a Leading Company in Biopharmaceutical Production on 11 October 2018:
    The BSc Programme students and postgraduate students of SBS joined a recruitment talk on "The Promising Future of Biopharmaceutical Industry and WuXi Biologics" given by a leading company in biopharmaceutical production. The talk provided students with the information on the company's profile, job nature of their internship opportunities, etc. An internship recruitment session was also arranged by the company the day following the recruitment talk.

To continually promote the BSc Programme, the School also engaged in various events with an aim to raising secondary school students' interest in biomedical sciences and attracting more high caliber and promising students admitted to the Programme.

  • Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions 2018 of the Chinese University of Hong Kong  on 20 October 2018
    Over 1500 visitors participated in the admission talks, hands-on experiment and laboratory tours arranged by SBS to gain a better understanding of the BSc Programme.  A total of seven admission talks were conducted, attracting over 1,000 audiences. Laboratory tours at the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building were also arranged for the participants, thus enhancing their understanding on how the study of the Programme would be supported by the School's cutting-edge equipment and facilities. (The corresponding coverage by the Communications and Public Relations Office can be viewed HERE.)
  • Visit to SBS by Secondary School Students:
    A delegation comprising 10 teachers and students from Kamnoetvidya Science Academy School (KVIS) who joined a visiting programme to G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College, and 18 Form 2 to Form 4 elite students from Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School of Miu Fat Buddhist Monastery visited Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building on 9 October 2018 and 14 December 2018, respectively. The students were able to learn more about biomedical sciences and the Programme through attending admission talks and visiting the core laboratories with hand-on experiment and activities.
  • As coordinated again by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA), a Medical Attachment Programme with the arrangement of programme consultation session, demonstration as well as workshop and Core Laboratories tour were held for 20 students from St. Paul's Co-Educational College on 21 November 2018.


  • 2018-2019年度生物醫學理學士課程開學禮於2018年9月3 日順利舉行,共有120人參與,包括30位生物醫學理學士課程新生、29位二年級學生、20位三年級學生以及29位教學人員,代表新學年的開始,與此同時歡迎新生成為學院的一份子。
  • 生物醫學理學士學生及本學院研究生於2018年10月11日參加了名為「The Promising Future of Biopharmaceutical Industry and WuXi Biologics」的招聘講座,由行內一間主要的生物製藥生產公司的代表主講,簡介了公司資料及實習機會等。實習工作招聘會亦於講座後的一天舉行。


  • 於2018年10月20日參與了香港中文大學本科入學資訊日2018,逾1500位公眾人士參加學院舉行的入學講座、實驗活動及實驗室參觀,加深對生物醫學理學士課程的認識。七場入學講座吸引了逾千名的參加者,學院亦安排了羅桂祥綜合生物醫學大樓的實驗室設施參觀,讓參觀者更了解本學院的先進設備如何配合學習。(請按此處瀏覽傳訊及公共關係處的有關報導。)
  • 來自Kamnoetvidya Science Academy School(只限英文版本)的師生訪問團於2018年10月9日參觀了羅桂祥綜合生物醫學大樓,他們是透過參與了優才(楊殷有娣)書院訪問計劃獲安排到訪本院。另外,學院亦接待了來自妙法寺劉金龍中學的18位中二至中四的精英學生參觀本院。透過入學講座、實驗活動及參觀中心實驗室,學生們更能了解生物醫學及生物醫學理學士課程。
  • 一如往年,在中大入學及學生資助處協調下,本學院於2018年11月21日為20位參加了醫學實習計劃的聖保羅男女中學學生舉辦課程諮詢會、體驗工作坊及中心實驗室參觀。


  • 2018-2019年度生物医学理学士课程开学礼于2018年9月3 日顺利举行,共有120人参与,包括30位生物医学理学士课程新生、29位二年级学生、20位三年级学生以及29位教学人员,代表新学年的开始,与此同时欢迎新生成为学院的一份子。
  • 生物医学理学士学生及本学院研究生于2018年10月11日参加了名为「The Promising Future of Biopharmaceutical Industry and WuXi Biologics」的招聘讲座,由行内一间主要的生物制药生产公司的代表主讲,简介了公司资料及实习机会等。实习工作招聘会亦于讲座后的一天举行。


  • 于2018年10月20日参与了香港中文大学本科入学信息日2018,逾1500位公众人士参加学院举行的入学讲座、实验活动及实验室参观,加深对生物医学理学士课程的认识。七场入学讲座吸引了逾千名的参加者,学院亦安排了罗桂祥综合生物医学大楼的实验室设施参观,让参观者更了解本学院的先进设备如何配合学习。(请按此处浏览传讯及公共关系处的有关报导。)
  • 来自Kamnoetvidya Science Academy School(只限英文版本)的师生访问团于2018年10月9日参观了罗桂祥综合生物医学大楼,他们是透过参与了优才(杨殷有娣)书院访问计划获安排到访本院。另外,学院亦接待了来自妙法寺刘金龙中学的18位中二至中四的精英学生参观本院。透过入学讲座、实验活动及参观中心实验室,学生们更能了解生物医学及生物医学理学士课程。
  • 一如往年,在中大入学及学生资助处协调下,本学院于2018年11月21日为20位参加了医学实习计划的圣保罗男女中学学生举办课程咨询会、体验工作坊及中心实验室参观。