
Prof. Andrew M.L. Chan and Prof. Alfred S. L. Cheng of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) together with Prof. Cho Chi-hin, Emeritus Professor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the former Associate Director (Research) of SBS visited Southwest Medical University (SWMU), Luzhou, Sichuan Province between 2 and 4 November 2018.

Prof. Chan and Prof. Cheng were invited as the guest speakers of the 2018 International Symposium of Cancer and Inflammation (Chinese version only), which was jointly organised by SWMU and Sichuan Pharmacological Society. Prof. Chan and Prof. Cheng delivered talks titled "Functional interaction between growth and inflammatory pathways in glioblastoma" and "Efficacy and mechanistic basis of combinatorial epigenetic immunotherapy", respectively. During the visit, both of them also received the Visiting Professorship of SWMU bestowed by Prof. Guangyi Liu, SWMU's Vice President. The SBS delegation was guided to tour the China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone to learn the latest economic development of Sichuan Province before departure.

The visit has fostered the academic exchange and mutual understanding between CUHK and SWMU. We are looking forward to further academic exchange and research collaboration between SBS and SWMU in the near future.


陳文樂教授及鄭詩樂教授獲邀於由西南醫科大學及四川省藥理學學會合辦之2018腫瘤與炎症國際論壇(只限中文版本)擔任嘉賓講者,分別就題為「Functional interaction between growth and inflammatory pathways in glioblastoma」及「Efficacy and mechanistic basis of combinatorial epigenetic immunotherapy」演講。在訪問中,陳教授及鄭教授更獲西南醫科大學委任為訪問教授,並由副校長劉廣益教授代表頒授。訪問結束前,學院訪問團參觀了中國(四川)自由貿易試驗區,了解四川省的最新經濟發展。



陈文乐教授及郑诗乐教授获邀于由西南医科大学及四川省药理学学会合办之2018肿瘤与炎症国际论坛(只限中文版本)担任嘉宾讲者,分别就题为「Functional interaction between growth and inflammatory pathways in glioblastoma」及「Efficacy and mechanistic basis of combinatorial epigenetic immunotherapy」演讲。在访问中,陈教授及郑教授更获西南医科大学委任为访问教授,并由副校长刘广益教授代表颁授。访问结束前,学院访问团参观了中国(四川)自由贸易试验区,了解四川省的最新经济发展。

