
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) hosted the first joint workshop with Utrecht University (UU), The Netherlands during 10 and 11 January 2019 with participation of a 14-member delegation led by Prof. Anton Pijpers, President of the Executive Board, UU.

Over 40 researchers from UU, University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU) and CUHK joined the workshop to review existing collaborations in medicine and identify new joint initiatives in four areas including Orthopaedics and Regenerative Medicine, Child Health, Cancer and Organoid, and Brain and Neuroscience.

Some delegation members also visited the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) and had discussions on innovation strategies and biomedical education with Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Strategic Developments) & Director of SBS, Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education) of SBS and Prof. Hector S.O. Chan, Associate Director (Undergraduate Education) of SBS, and on brain and neuroscience with Prof. Andrew M.L. Chan, Chief of Cancer Biology & Experimental Therapeutics program and Associate Director (Development) of SBS.

In fact, UU had signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2013 on establishing the CUHK-UU Joint Centre for Language, Mind and Brain. Prof. Chan Wai-yee and Prof. Richard Choy, Associate Member of our Developmental and Regenerative Biology theme, are two of the core members of this Joint Centre.

The corresponding coverage by the Office of Academic Links (OAL) can be viewed HERE (English version only).

由荷蘭烏德勒支大學執行委員會主席Anton Pijpers教授領導、一行14人的代表團於2019年1月10至11日首度與香港中文大學(中大)舉行聯合研討會。逾40名來自烏德勒支大學、烏德勒支大學醫療中心及中大的專家參與是次研討會,共同回顧兩校於醫學研究的協作,並就再生醫學/矯形外科、兒童衛生、癌症及類器官、以及大腦及神經科學彼此交流,制訂新的科研合作項目。



是次中大學術交流處的相關報導,可按此瀏覽 (只限英文版本)。

由荷兰乌得勒支大学执行委员会主席Anton Pijpers教授领导、一行14人的代表团于2019年1月10至11日首度与香港中文大学(中大)举行联合研讨会。逾40名来自乌得勒支大学、乌得勒支大学医疗中心及中大的专家参与是次研讨会,共同回顾两校于医学研究的协作,并就再生医学/矫形外科、儿童卫生、癌症及类器官、以及大脑及神经科学彼此交流,制订新的科研合作项目。



是次中大学术交流处的相关报导,可按此浏览 (只限英文版本)。
