
As coordinated by the Office of Academic Links (China) (OALC) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), a delegation from Shandong University (SDU), comprising Prof. Fan Liming, President of SDU and Prof. Chen Zijiang, Vice-president of SDU and other 4 SDU members visited the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) on 2 April 2019.

Upon their arrival at Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, Prof. Wan Chao and Prof. Lu Gang briefed the visitors on the latest development of SBS. A guided tour of the Core Laboratories and Animal Holding Core was arranged afterwards for the delegates to learn the advanced research facilities of the School. Before having the lunch meeting with Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of SBS, the visitors were arranged to take a look at the CUHK-SDU Joint Laboratory on Reproductive Genetics, which has been established in our School since December 2013.

Our School has closely collaborated with SDU, including the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding and establishment of joint laboratory in 2013, as well as follow-up academic exchange (e.g. in May 2014, and Aug 2015). We believe this visit has deepened the academic linkage and further explored more collaborative opportunities between CUHK and SDU in the near future.

The corresponding coverage by the Office of Academic Links (China) can be viewed HERE.


他們到達羅桂祥綜合生物醫學大樓後,學院萬超教授及路鋼教授介紹本院最新發展。及後,訪問團參觀了本學院中心實驗室及實驗動物存養中心設施,了解本院先進的研究設施。在與學院院長陳偉儀教授進行午餐會晤前,訪問團獲安排參觀香港中文大學 – 山東大學生殖遺傳聯合實驗室(聯合實驗室),此實驗室在2013年12月於本院正式成立。

本院一直與山東大學緊密連繫,於2013年簽署合作協議以及成立聯合實驗室,及後保持學術交流 (如2014年5月2015年8月)。我們相信是次訪問能夠進一步深化中大與山東大學的學術聯繫,探討雙方未來更多的合作機會。



他们到达罗桂祥综合生物医学大楼后,学院万超教授及路钢教授介绍本院最新发展。及后,访问团参观了本学院中心实验室及实验动物存养中心设施,了解本院先进的研究设施。在与学院院长陈伟仪教授进行午餐会晤前,访问团获安排参观香港中文大学 – 山东大学生殖遗传联合实验室(联合实验室),此实验室在2013年12月于本院正式成立。

本院一直与山东大学紧密连系,于2013年签署合作协议以及成立联合实验室,及后保持学术交流 (如2014年5月2015年8月)。我们相信是次访问能够进一步深化中大与山东大学的学术联系,探讨双方未来更多的合作机会。

