Visit of Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry in 2004
Invited by Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, the awardee of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2004 paid a visit to the University, including the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) on 12 August 2019. Prof. Ciechanover is the Distinguished Professor of CUHK, Shenzhen (SZ), and also the Director of Ciechanover Institute of Precision and Regenerative Medicine, CUHK, SZ, which was established in 2018.
During the visit, Prof. Ciechanover delivered the keynote speech for the 1st Laureate Workshop on Personalized and Regenerative Medicine organised by the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM). Prof. Huang Ziwei, Ciechanover Institute of Precision and Regenerative Medicine, CUHK, SZ, and our School members, Prof. Anna M. Blocki, Prof. Chan Hon-fai and Prof. Elmer D.F. Ker were also invited for presentations to share their research insights at the workshop.
Afterwards, accompanied by School members including Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of SBS and Prof. Kenneth K.H. Lee, Managing Director of Core Laboratories, Prof. Ciechanover was guided to tour the Core Laboratories of the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building to learn the research facilities and the latest development blueprint of SBS and iTERM.
The corresponding coverage by iTERM can be viewed HERE.
按香港中文大學(中大)校長段崇智教授邀請,2004年諾貝爾化學獎得主Aaron Ciechanover教授於2019年8月12日到訪中大及生物醫學學院。Ciechanover教授為中大(深圳)傑出大學教授,亦是2018年成立的中大(深圳)切哈諾沃精準和再生醫學研究院院長。
在是次來訪中,Ciechanover教授於組織工程與再生醫學研究所(研究所)主辦的「1st Laureate Workshop on Personalized and Regenerative Medicine」發表主講演說。中大(深圳)切哈諾沃精準和再生醫學研究院黃建偉教授、本學院成員Anna M. Blocki教授、陳漢輝教授及柯岱飞教授亦受邀於會上發表演說,分享研究見解。
按香港中文大学(中大)校长段崇智教授邀请,2004年诺贝尔化学奖得主Aaron Ciechanover教授于2019年8月12日到访中大及生物医学学院。Ciechanover教授为中大(深圳)杰出大学教授,亦是2018年成立的中大(深圳)切哈诺沃精准和再生医学研究院院长。
在是次来访中,Ciechanover教授于组织工程与再生医学研究所(研究所)主办的「1st Laureate Workshop on Personalized and Regenerative Medicine」发表主讲演说。中大(深圳)切哈诺沃精准和再生医学研究院黄建伟教授、本学院成员Anna Maria Blocki教授、陈汉辉教授及柯岱飞教授亦受邀于会上发表演说,分享研究见解。