Visit of University of Toronto, Canada

As coordinated by the Office of Academic Links (OAL) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Prof. Hui Chi-chung and Prof. Howard Lipshitz, Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto (UofT) visited the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) on 24 June 2019.

Upon their arrival at Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, a meeting was held to discuss the proposed Joint Educational Placement Programme for Doctoral Students (JEP) between the Department of Molecular Genetics, UofT and SBS. The participants taking part in the meeting included Dr. Hui, Dr. Lipshitz, Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education), Prof. Andrew M.L. Chan, Associate Director (Development), SBS and other representatives of SBS and OAL. A guided tour of the Core Laboratories was arranged afterwards for the delegates to learn the advanced research facilities of the School.

To further exchange academic views in specific research areas that could be pursued under the proposed collaboration, four individual meetings between the two guests and our School members including Prof. Vivian W.Y. Lui, Prof. Zhao Hui, Prof. Wan Chao and Prof. Tian Xiaoyu were then conducted.

UofT has been identified as an important strategic partner of CUHK. In 2016, CUHK, UofT and Utrecht University signed a Memorandum of Understanding to form a tri-continental partnership. Through strengthening mutual understanding in this visit, we are keen to develop deeper educational and research collaborations with UofT.

經香港中文大學(中大)學術交流處的協調下,加拿大多倫多大學分子遺傳學系許志忠教授Howard Lipshitz教授(只限英文版本)於2019年6月24日到訪生物醫學學院。

他們到達羅桂祥綜合生物醫學大樓後,首先與學院成員討論多倫多大學分子遺傳學系及中大生物醫學學院之間擬議的博士生聯合教育計劃。會議參與者包括許志忠教授、Howard Lipshitz教授、本學院副院長(研究生教育)陳活彜教授、副院長(策略發展)陳文樂教授、學院及學術交流處其他代表。會議結束後,兩位訪客獲安排參觀了學院中心實驗室,了解學院先進的研究設備。



经香港中文大学(中大)学术交流处的协调下,加拿大多伦多大学分子遗传学系许志忠教授Howard Lipshitz教授(只限英文版本)于2019年6月24日到访生物医学学院。

他们到达罗桂祥综合生物医学大楼后,首先与学院成员讨论多伦多大学分子遗传学系及中大生物医学学院之间拟议的博士生联合教育计划。会议参与者包括许志忠教授、Howard Lipshitz教授、本学院副院长(研究生教育)陈活彝教授、副院长(策略发展)陈文乐教授、学院及学术交流处其他代表。会议结束后,两位访客获安排参观了学院中心实验室,了解学院先进的研究设备。



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