With the concerted efforts of the SBS Postgraduate Student Association (PSA), the Organizing Committee of the SBS Postgraduate Research Day 2020 and the Graduate Education Office, SBS Postgraduate Research Day 2020 was successfully held on 5 – 6 November 2020.
This annual flagship event serves as an excellent platform for our postgraduate students to exchange research ideas with their peers and supervisors. The opening ceremony was officiated by Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, CUHK; Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President, CUHK; and Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS. Based on the assessment of poster presentations on the first day, ten postgraduate students were selected to give an oral presentation on their projects on the second day to compete for various prizes. Finally, Ms. Marisa Assunção won the first prize of the oral presentation.
Congratulations to the prize winners for their remarkable presentations and excellent research work. We hope that this event can further strengthen the academic exchange and bondage among postgraduate students, teaching and research staff members.
Award | Awardee |
First Prize | Ms. Marisa Assunção |
Second Prize | Mr. Xie Mingxu Ms. Xie Jingping |
Third Prize | Ms. Huang Shuting Mr. Thomas T.H. Chan Ms. Suen Hoi-ching |
Presentation Prize | Ms. Fung Sin Hang Ms. Law Wingyan Ms. Jessica C.M. Hui Ms. Li Dandan |
在生物醫學學院研究生會、生物醫學學院研究生日籌組委員會、以及研究生教育辦事處的通力合作下, 2020年生物醫學學院研究生日於2020年11月5至6日成功舉行。
此年度盛事繼續為研究生提供一個相互交流學習的平台,加強師生之間的學術互動活動。由中大校長段崇智教授、中大副校長陳偉儀教授、及本學院院長陳文樂教授致開幕辭。根據首日在牆報展示的評分,10名研究生獲選於翌日進行口頭匯報競逐獎項,最後Marisa Assunção同學榮獲口頭匯報一等獎。
獎項 | 獲獎者 |
一等獎 | Marisa Assunção 小姐 |
二等獎 | 謝茗旭先生 謝靖萍小姐 |
三等獎 | 黃舒婷小姐 陳霆羲先生 孫愷晴小姐 |
優異獎 | 馮蒨衡小姐 羅詠欣小姐 許頌汶小姐 李丹丹小姐 |
在生物医学学院研究生会、生物医学学院研究生日筹组委员会、以及研究生教育办事处的通力合作下, 2020年生物医学学院研究生日于2020年11月5至6日成功举行。
此年度盛事继续为研究生提供一个相互交流学习的平台,加强师生之间的学术互动活动。由中大校长段崇智教授、中大副校长陈伟仪教授、及本学院院长陈文乐教授致开幕辞。根据首日在墙报展示的评分,10名研究生获选于翌日进行口头汇报竞逐奖项,最后Marisa Assunção同学荣获口头汇报一等奖。
奖项 | 获奖者 |
一等奖 | Marisa Assunção 小姐 |
二等奖 | 谢茗旭先生 谢靖萍小姐 |
三等奖 | 黄舒婷小姐 陈霆羲先生 孙恺晴小姐 |
优异奖 | 冯蒨衡小姐 罗咏欣小姐 许颂汶小姐 李丹丹小姐 |