Participation in the partnership steering committee meeting of CUHK and Zhejiang University

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Zhejiang University (ZJU) held the 1st meeting of Partnership Steering Committee online on 23 June 2021.

During the meeting, Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK and Prof. Wu Zhaohui, President of ZJU renewed the academic exchange agreement to continue the partnership developments between the two universities. Also, the representatives from two universities discussed the existing and future bilateral cooperation plans. Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui, Associate Director (Research) of School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK and Co-director of CUHK-ZJU Joint Laboratory on Natural Products and Toxicology Research also took part in the meeting to present the current projects and progress of CUHK-ZJU Joint Laboratory on Natural Products and Toxicology Research with Prof. Yu Luyang, Assistant Dean of College of Life Sciences of ZJU.

Earlier in April 2010 , our School signed a MOU with School of Basic Medical Sciences of ZJU, followed by the mutual delegation visits in 2010 and 2011. Through participation in this partnership steering committee meeting, we earnestly hope that our School can contribute to the strategic partnership between the two institutions, hence bringing new heights of academic excellence. The related coverage by the China Engagement Office, CUHK can be viewed HERE.


中大校長段崇智教授及浙大教授吳朝暉教授於會上續簽學術交流協議,以延續雙方的合作發展。會議上兩校代表一同商討兩校現有及未來合作計劃。在會上,生物醫學學院副院長(研究)及香港中文大學 – 浙江大學天然藥物與毒理學研究聯合實驗室(聯合實驗室)聯席主任徐國榮教授,與浙大生命科學學院副院長俞路陽教授,匯報現時聯合實驗室的合作項目及進展。 早在2010年4月期間,本院已跟浙大的基礎醫學院簽訂了合作協議,及後於20102011年進行互訪。透過學院成員參與是次合作指導委員會會議 ,本院期望能協助兩校發展策略性的協作,促成中大在學術範疇中創建佳績。



中大校长段崇智教授及浙大教授吴朝晖教授于会上续签学术交流协议,以延续双方的合作发展。会议上两校代表一同商讨两校现有及未来合作计划。在会上,生物医学学院副院长(研究)及香港中文大学 – 浙江大学天然药物与毒理学研究联合实验室(联合实验室)联席主任徐国荣教授,与浙大生命科学学院副院长俞路阳教授,汇报现时联合实验室的合作项目及进展。 早在2010年4月期间,本院已跟浙大的基础医学院签订了合作协议,及后于20102011年进行互访。透过学院成员参与是次合作指导委员会会议 ,本院期望能协助两校发展策略性的协作,促成中大在学术范畴中创建佳绩。


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