School of Biomedical Sciences Virtual Research Day 2021 cum Nordic Symposium

The School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) Virtual Research Day 2021 cum Nordic Symposium was successfully conducted on 16 and 17 June 2021 in an online conferencing format, attracting over 300 local and overseas participants.

The joint event was officiated by Prof. Francis K.L. Chan, Dean of Medicine, CUHK, Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS and Prof. Jon Storm-Mathisen, Emeritus Professor of Medicine (Anatomy), University of Oslo, Norway. Apart from attendance of ten Principal Investigators from our three Thematic Research Programs who showcased their latest research findings, eleven distinguished speakers from our strategic collaborative partners under the Hong Kong-Nordic Research Network, and from the Nordic Centre, Fudan University, China as well as other local and overseas institutes also took part in the event. Four keynote speakers including Prof. Jason Seong-Jin Kim from GILO Institute, South Korea; Prof. Vilhelm Bohr from National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Prof. Kai Liu from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST); and Prof. Megan Y.P. Ho, Department of Biomedical Engineering, CUHK presented their keynote speeches, sharing insightful scientific discoveries with the participants.

The SBS Research Day has been an important annual flagship event for our School investigators in different disciplines gather together to showcase significant research progress. With the active participation of researchers in the School, the Faculty as well as other local and global institutions, this event successfully facilitated stimulating discussions and exchange of new scientific ideas. We sincerely thank all the participants for their staunch support to make our Virtual Research Day 2021 cum Nordic Symposium a big success.

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此聯合活動由中大醫學院院長陳家亮教授、本學院院長陳文樂教授及挪威奧斯陸大學醫學(解剖學)榮休教授Jon Storm-Mathisen教授致開幕辭。除了十位來自本學院三個主題研究組的主研究員分享他們最新的科研見解,本學院的策略合作夥伴包括香港北歐研究網絡、中國復旦大學北歐中心以及其他本地及海外機構的11位出色講者亦參與此活動。當中四位主講講者南韓GILO Institute之Jason Seong-Jin Kim教授、美國國立衞生研究院國家老齡研究所暨丹麥哥本哈根大學Vilhelm Bohr教授、香港科技大學劉凱教授及中大生物醫學工程學系何亦平教授,向參加者分享其別具洞見的研究見解。


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此联合活动由中大医学院院长陈家亮教授、本学院院长陈文乐教授及挪威奥斯陆大学医学(解剖学)荣休教授Jon Storm-Mathisen教授致开幕辞。除了十位来自本学院三个主题研究组的主研究员分享他们最新的科研见解,本学院的策略合作伙伴包括香港北欧研究网络、中国复旦大学北欧中心以及其他本地及海外机构的11位出色讲者亦参与此活动。当中四位主讲讲者南韩GILO Institute之Jason Seong-Jin Kim教授、美国国立卫生研究院国家老龄研究所暨丹麦哥本哈根大学Vilhelm Bohr教授、香港科技大学刘凯教授及中大生物医学工程学系何亦平教授,向参加者分享其别具洞见的研究见解。


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