
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Fudan University (FDU) jointly established the CUHK-FDU Joint Research Centre in Life and Biomedical Sciences (the Centre). The inauguration ceremony of the Centre was held on 30 June 2021 in online and in-person modes.

The ceremony was officiated by Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK; Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President and Li Ka Shing Professor of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK; Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), CUHK; Prof. Xu Ningsheng, President of FDU; Prof. Chen Zhimin, Vice-President of FDU; and Prof. Lin Xinhua, Dean of School of Life Science, FDU. The two co-directors of the Centre, Prof. Andrew M. Chan and Prof. Lin Xinhua presented the overview and development plan of the Centre. Our School members including Prof. Chan Hon-fai, Prof. Vincent C.K. Cheung, and Prof. Shen Gu also attended the ceremony.

The Centre focuses on research related to life sciences and biomedical sciences, ranging from Genomics and Inherited Diseases, Phenomics and Precision Medicine, Developmental, Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, and interdisciplinary studies with intersections on healthy and diseased human body. It is our hope that the successful establishment of the Centre can facilitate interdisciplinary research collaborations among CUHK and FDU to move beyond the scientific frontiers.

The related coverage by the China Engagement Office, CUHK can be viewed HERE.








