Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 TV Programme “Living with the Benefits of Research” - Prof. John A. Rudd’s impact case study

The impact case study titled “Preventing nausea and vomiting to enable a more effective treatment of cancer”, as led by Prof. John A. Rudd, Professor of the School of Biomedical Sciences, CUHK, was selected to be featured in the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 TV Programme Series “Living with the Benefits of Research” produced by the University Grants Committee (UGC).

Each episode of this television series features a high-quality impact case study from each of the eight UGC-funded universities, aiming to showcase how research outputs can be transferred to bring benefits to the society and human life. The episode highlighting Prof. Rudd’s research was broadcast on TVB Jade and TVB News on 31 December 2021, and can be watched HERE. The related coverage by UGC can be viewed HERE.


每集電視特輯從八間教資會資助大學選取了每所大學的其中一個出色研究影響個案作介紹,旨在展示如何將研究成果轉化,為社會和人們的生活帶來益處。 陸教授之研究的集數已於2021 年 12 月 31 日在無線電視翡翠台和無線電視新聞播出,並可按此觀看,而教資會的相關介紹可按此閱覽。


每集电视特辑从八间教资会资助大学选取了每所大学的其中一个出色研究影响个案作介绍,旨在展示如何将研究成果转化,为社会和人们的生活带来益处。 陆教授之研究的集数已于2021 年 12 月 31 日在无线电视翡翠台和无线电视新闻播出,并可按此观看,而教资会的相关介绍可按此阅览。

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