With his Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF) project, Prof. Alfred S.L. Cheng, Professor and Chief of the Cancer Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (CBET) Program of the School of Biomedical Sciences, received the 10th HMRF Award (under the category “Breakthrough Research”) at the Health Research Symposium 2021 organized by the Food and Health Bureau, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on 23 November 2021. The awarded project is titled “Elucidating gene regulatory networks of HBx isolated from novel HBV subgenotype/ mutants associated with increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma”. The 10th HMRF Anniversary Awards aim to recognise awardees’ longstanding achievements in the selected projects funded by the HMRF since 2011.
We sincerely congratulate Prof. Cheng on his exceptional achievements and wish him continued success in his research endeavors. The related coverage by the Government of HKSAR can be viewed HERE.
憑藉其醫療衞生研究基金項目,本學院腫瘤生物學及實驗藥物治療學主題研究組主任鄭詩樂教授在2021年11月23日由香港特別行政區食物及衞生局主辦的2021年衞生醫護研討會上,獲頒醫療衞生研究基金十周年 (「 突破研究」類別)獎項。相關得獎項目題為「HBx基因調控網絡對新型HBV亞基因型/突變體增加肝細胞癌風險的研究」。醫療衞生研究基金十周年獎項旨在表揚自 2011 年起獲醫療衞生研究基金資助項目得獎者作出的持續貢獻。
凭借其医疗卫生研究基金项目,本学院肿瘤生物学及实验药物治疗学主题研究组主任郑诗乐教授在2021年11月23日由香港特别行政区食物及卫生局主办的2021年卫生医护研讨会上,获颁医疗卫生研究基金十周年 (「 突破研究」类别)奖项。相关得奖项目题为「HBx基因调控网络对新型HBV亚基因型/突变体增加肝细胞癌风险的研究」。医疗卫生研究基金十周年奖项旨在表扬自 2011 年起获医疗卫生研究基金资助项目得奖者作出的持续贡献。