In order to enable students to gain more understanding of opportunities for postgraduate studies, market trends and potential career choices, the BSc in Biomedical Sciences Programme (BSc Programme) Team organized the BiomedSci Career Talk Series featuring the following talks between October and November 2021:
Subject | Speaker | Date |
Postgraduate Studies at SBS |
Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan |
29 October 2021 |
MSc in Genomics and Bioinformatics and the Career Opportunities in the Field |
Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui |
5 November 2021 |
Opportunities for a Biomedical Sciences Graduate in the Industry |
Miss Tenny Chung |
19 November 2021 |
The Opportunities of MedTech and New Therapies in Hong Kong |
Dr. Gina Jiang |
26 November 2021 |
To continually promote the Programme, the School also engaged in different outreach activities to attract high caliber and promising students. The Office of Admission and Financial Aid (OAFA) of CUHK hosted Online Regional Fairs – International Outreach Weekends to promote CUHK undergraduate programmes to international students from targeted regions. The BSc Team participated in the two online sessions on 27 November and 11 December 2021 targeting students from Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Central Asia and Indian subcontinent. During the events, Dr. Ann S.N. Lau, Programme Director of BSc in Biomedical Sciences introduced the Programme, followed by admission interviews with applicants from different regions.
主題 | 講者 | 日期 |
Postgraduate Studies at SBS |
陳活彜教授 |
2021月10月29日 |
MSc in Genomics and Bioinformatics and the Career Opportunities in the Field |
徐國榮教授 |
2021月11月5日 |
Opportunities for a Biomedical Sciences Graduate in the Industry |
鍾焯堯小姐 |
2021月11月19日 |
The Opportunities of MedTech and New Therapies in Hong Kong |
江宜蓁醫生 |
2021月11月26日 |
為持續推廣本院的生物醫學理學士課程,本學院亦參與不同的外展推廣活動,藉以吸引優秀學生選讀。中大入學及學生資助處舉辦的網上地區博覽會 – 國際推廣周末,向國際學生推廣中大本科課程。生物醫學理學士課程團隊參與了2021年11月27日和12月11日的網上環節,參加者來自印尼、泰國、越南、柬埔寨、新加坡、中亞和印度次大陸的學生。期間課程主任劉善雅博士介紹課程,並為申請者安排入學面試。
主题 | 讲者 | 日期 |
Postgraduate Studies at SBS |
陈活彝教授 |
2021月10月29日 |
MSc in Genomics and Bioinformatics and the Career Opportunities in the Field |
徐国荣教授 |
2021月11月5日 |
Opportunities for a Biomedical Sciences Graduate in the Industry |
钟焯尧小姐 |
2021月11月19日 |
The Opportunities of MedTech and New Therapies in Hong Kong |
江宜蓁医生 |
2021月11月26日 |
为持续推广本院的生物医学理学士课程,本学院亦参与不同的外展推广活动,藉以吸引优秀学生选读。中大入学及学生资助处举办的网上地区博览会 – 国际推广周末,向国际学生推广中大本科课程。生物医学理学士课程团队参与了2021年11月27日和12月11日的网上环节,参加者来自印度尼西亚、泰国、越南、柬埔寨、新加坡、中亚和印度次大陆的学生。期间课程主任刘善雅博士介绍课程,并为申请者安排入学面试。