With generous support from the Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries (BMCPC), a new Wall of Remembrance for has been erected in Section 16 of the Junk Bay Chinese Permanent Cemetery for body donation programmes run by the Faculty of Medicine, CUHK and other local organisations. The new wall of Remembrance session for “Silent Teacher” Body Donation Programme, CUHK was commenced in January 2022.
In recognition and memory of the many body donors, the first Wall of Remembrance for “Silent Teachers” was set up at the Garden of Remembrance of the Cemetery in May 2013. Prof. Chan Sun-on, Associate Director (External Links) and Professor of School of Biomedical Sciences said, “On behalf of the Faculty and donors, we are really thankful for BMCPC’s support in building this new wall with beautiful scenery for our Silent Teachers and for all the support the programme has received in the past years. The Faculty will continue to promote the programme with respect, humanity and social responsibility as its core values. We hope the programme will not only help provide moral education to medical students, but will also help the general public understand the meaning of body donation.” The corresponding coverage by the Faculty of Medicine, CUHK can be viewed HERE.
Earlier in December 2021, an ash scattering ceremony of Silent Teachers was held at the Garden of Remembrance, with participation of family members of the Silent Teachers, representatives of medical students, and our School members including Dr. Sam H.K. Poon, Dissecting Laboratory Coordinator and Senior Lecturer and Dr. Wong Wai-kai, Lecturer.
The new Wall of Remembrance in Section 16 of the Junk Bay Chinese Permanent Cemetery
The new Wall of Remembrance for CUHK's “Silent Teacher” Body Donation Programme
Ash Scattering Ceremony
Ash Scattering Ceremony
早前於2021 年 12 月,無言老師撒灰儀式在紀念花園舉行,無言老師的家屬、醫學生代表、本院成員解剖實驗室統籌及高級講師潘匡杰博士和講師黃偉佳博士均有參與。
在华人永远坟场管理委员会(华永会)的慷慨支持下,新纪念墙已于将军澳华人永远坟场的第16段设立,予中大医学院遗体捐赠计划及其他本地机构的遗体捐赠计划使用。 中大无言老师遗体捐赠计划的新纪念墙在2022年1月正式启用。
早前于2021 年 12 月,无言老师撒灰仪式在纪念花园举行,无言老师的家属、医学生代表、本院成员解剖实验室统筹及高级讲师潘匡杰博士和讲师黄伟佳博士均有参与。