唐嘉驹博士获得Gordon Research Seminar on Neural Crest and Cranial Placodes海报奖项
Dr. Tong Ka-kui, Research Associate of the School of Biomedical Sciences obtained Poster Award at Gordon Research Seminar on Neural Crest and Cranial Placodes organized by Gordon Research Conference in Lucca, Italy on 25-26 February 2023. His awarded poster titled “The roles of Irx3 and Irx5 in pharyngeal arch epithelium and neural crest cells during jaw morphogenesis”. We sincerely congratulate Dr. Tong and wish him every success in his future research endeavors.
Dr. Tong Ka-kui (1st from left)
Group photo of participants at Gordon Research Seminar on Neural Crest and Cranial Placodes, including Dr. Tong Ka-kui (3rd from left, 3rd row), Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan (2nd from left, 2nd row) and Prof. Sham Mai Har (6th from left, 4th row), SBS
生物醫學學院副研究員唐嘉駒博士於由Gordon Research Conference 主辦的Gordon Research Seminar on Neural Crest and Cranial Placode獲得海報獎項,此研討會於2023年2月25至16日在意大利盧卡舉行,唐博士憑其題為「The roles of Irx3 and Irx5 in pharyngeal arch epithelium and neural crest cells during jaw morphogenesis」的海報獲獎。我們祝賀唐博士取得獎項,並祝願他在學術研究上繼續取得成功。
Gordon Research Seminar on Neural Crest and Cranial Placode合照,本學院參與者除了唐嘉駒博士外(第三行左三),還包括陳活彜教授(第二行左二)及岑美霞教授(第四行左六)
生物医学学院副研究员唐嘉驹博士于由Gordon Research Conference 主办的Gordon Research Seminar on Neural Crest and Cranial Placode获得海报奖项,此研讨会于2023年2月25至16日在意大利卢卡举行,唐博士凭其题为「The roles of Irx3 and Irx5 in pharyngeal arch epithelium and neural crest cells during jaw morphogenesis」的海报获奖。我们祝贺唐博士取得奖项,并祝愿他在学术研究上继续取得成功。
Gordon Research Seminar on Neural Crest and Cranial Placode合照,本学院参与者除了唐嘉驹博士外(第三行左三),还包括陈活彝教授(第二行左二)及岑美霞教授(第四行左六)