徐国荣教授领导之研究破解全球最全面的「美国曱甴」基因组图谱 揭示曱甴新型致敏原 有助开发精准免疫治疗
A study led by Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui, Professor and Associate Director (Research) of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), CUHK with researchers from CUHK and universities in Shenzhen and Thailand, has recently made a ground-breaking study of the genome sequencing of the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) that identified more of their allergens. The team unravelled the world’s most comprehensive genome profile for the American cockroach and identified seven novel cockroach allergens on top of the existing 13. The study’s exciting findings lay important foundations for identifying and cloning major cockroach allergens, facilitating the design of effective immunotherapy for cockroach allergy. The results have been published in the international journal Allergy, which can be viewed HERE.
The research group led by Prof. Stephen Tsui, the co-corresponding author of the paper, has been working on the genomics of allergen sources for more than a decade. He has been collaborating with Prof. Anchalee Tungtrongchitr, another co-corresponding author of the paper and an international expert on cockroach allergy from Thailand’s Mahidol University, on cockroach genomics and allergy since 2018. In this study, they focused on the American cockroach, which possesses a larger genome size compared with the other common allergy-triggering species, the German cockroach.
Prof. Leung Ting-fan, Professor in the Department of Paediatrics, CU Medicine is the collaborator in this project. The SBS members taking part in the study include Dr. Wang Lingyi and Dr. Xiong Qing, Postdoctoral Fellows of SBS as first and co-first authors, respectively; as well as Dr. Wang Lin, Dr. Angel T.Y. Wan, Dr. Shi Mai, PhD Graduates of SBS, Prof. Cao Qin, Research Assistant Professor of SBS, as co-authors.
The related coverage by the Communications and Public Relations Office, CUHK can be viewed HERE, whereas the one by CU Medicine is viewable HERE.
(From left) Dr. Xiong Qing, Prof. Stephen Tsui, and Prof. Leung Ting-fan at the press conference
Prof. Stephen Tsui and his research team discover that an extensive range of gene family variations is found in the American cockroach genome, which accounts for the cockroaches’ high viability
香港中文大學(中大)生物醫學學院教授及副院長(研究)徐國榮教授領導一項與深圳和泰國院校聯合進行的國際研究,對美國曱甴(Periplaneta americana)進行基因組測序和致敏原鑑定。研究團隊最近成功破解全球最全面的美國曱甴基因組圖譜,並在現有13種已知的曱甴致敏原外,發現7種新型致敏原。此突破性研究為識別和克隆主要的曱甴致敏原奠下重要基礎,將有助於設計針對曱甴過敏的有效免疫療法。其研究結果已在國際科學期刊《過敏症》發表,論文全文可按此處參閱。
論文共同通訊作者徐國榮教授領導的研究小組,十多年來一直致力於致敏原基因組學研究。自2018年起,他與此論文另一共同通訊作者泰國瑪希敦大學曱甴過敏國際專家Anchalee Tungtrongchitr教授合作研究曱甴基因組學和過敏症。在這項研究中,他們專注研究美國曱甴,因與其他常見的致敏曱甴如德國曱甴相比,美國曱甴擁有最大的基因組。
香港中文大学(中大)生物医学学院教授及副院长(研究)徐国荣教授领导一项与深圳和泰国院校联合进行的国际研究,对美国曱甴(Periplaneta americana)进行基因组测序和致敏原鉴定。研究团队最近成功破解全球最全面的美国曱甴基因组图谱,并在现有13种已知的曱甴致敏原外,发现7种新型致敏原。此突破性研究为识别和克隆主要的曱甴致敏原奠下重要基础,将有助于设计针对曱甴过敏的有效免疫疗法。其研究结果已在国际科学期刊《过敏症》发表,论文全文可按此处参阅。
论文共同通讯作者徐国荣教授领导的研究小组,十多年来一直致力于致敏原基因组学研究。自2018年起,他与此论文另一共同通讯作者泰国玛希敦大学曱甴过敏国际专家Anchalee Tungtrongchitr教授合作研究曱甴基因组学和过敏症。在这项研究中,他们专注研究美国曱甴,因与其他常见的致敏曱甴如德国曱甴相比,美国曱甴拥有最大的基因组。