
After gaining a wealth of industry experience during my undergraduate study at the School of Biomedical Sciences, which spanned biotech, healthcare venture capital firms, and a world leading multinational pharmaceutical company- AstraZeneca, I had successfully ventured into the healthcare industry. My education, enriched with both biomedical and business classes with a minor in EPIN, provided a comprehensive framework that later became instrumental in my professional journey.

Upon graduation, I joined IQVIA management consulting Greater China office, first as an analyst and later promoted to associate consultant. I delved into the intricacies of new product launches, corporate strategy, brand positioning, and commercial due diligence across different therapeutic areas, particularly oncology, respiratory, and cardiovascular diseases.

The transition from academia to industry was challenging but enlightening. What you learn in classrooms provides a foundation, but the practical application of that knowledge in a complex, dynamic industry like healthcare is a different ballgame. We have to help clients navigate their way through the pharma value chain, crafting strategies to ensure the commercial success of their products. The real test was translating academic knowledge into actionable business insights.Currently, as an Associate Consultant at IQVIA, I find great fulfillment in helping pharma clients gauge business insights, design strategy plans, and assisting VC or private equity (PE) clients in asset valuation and deal incubation. The most rewarding moments have been when I have seen my strategies come to life, such as when I witnessed the sales boost after giving a commercial revitalizing strategy for a top MNC dealing with patent expiry of a blockbuster oncology drug, and when a surgical mesh company that I conducted commercial due diligence was successfully listed on the HKEX.

Looking back, I am grateful for my undergraduate programme's support in equipping me with business acumen alongside biomedical science knowledge. This balance has been crucial to my career development and has helped me navigate the challenges of the healthcare industry, which is inevitably the bedrock of my professional journey.


畢業後,我加入了 IQVIA 諮詢管理大中華區,最初擔任分析師,後來晉升為副顧問。我在各種不同治療方面,尤其是腫瘤、呼吸系統和心血管疾病,深入研究了新產品發佈、企業策略、品牌定位和商業盡職調查等範疇。


目前,作為 IQVIA 的副顧問,我為製藥業界客戶獲取商業見解、設計戰略計畫,並協助創業投資或私募股權投資客戶進行資產評估和交易促成,這些工作令我得到極大的滿足感。當中最有成就感的時刻莫過於看到自己的戰略付諸實行,例如一間頂級跨國公司的腫瘤暢銷藥物專利到期,我為他們制定了業務復甦策略,並見證了該公司銷售額大增,另一個例子是我為一間手術網片公司進行商業盡職審查後,該公司成功在港交所上市。



毕业后,我加入了 IQVIA 咨询管理大中华区,最初担任分析师,后来晋升为副顾问。我在各种不同治疗方面,尤其是肿瘤、呼吸系统和心血管疾病,深入研究了新产品发布、企业策略、品牌定位和商业尽职调查等范畴。


目前,作为IQVIA 的副顾问,我为制药业界客户获取商业见解、设计战略计画,并协助创业投资或私募股权投资客户进行资产评估和交易促成,这些工作令我得到极大的满足感。当中最有成就感的时刻莫过于看到自己的战略付诸实行,例如一间顶级跨国公司的肿瘤畅销药物专利到期,我为他们制定了业务复苏策略,并见证了该公司销售额大增,另一个例子是我为一间手术网片公司进行商业尽职审查后,该公司成功在港交所上市。

