Three of our School members have recently been given the annual Teachers of the Year Awards 2023 by the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). They included:
Awardees |
Programme (Year) |
Prof. Simon C.L. Au, Senior Lecturer |
MBChB (Years 2 and 3) |
Dr. Sam H.K. Poon, Senior Lecturer |
Biomedical Sciences (All years) |
Dr. Wong Wai-kai, Lecturer |
MBChB (Year 1) |
The awards are given to teachers from each programme offered under the Faculty of Medicine, CUHK. The selection is based on students’ voting and Course and Teaching Evaluation (CTE) scores, as well as other contribution towards teaching and education during the academic year 2021-2022.
The above School members were presented these awards at the Teachers’ and Students’ Awards Presentation Ceremony 2023 held on 20 May 2023 at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, CUHK. We warmly congratulate the awardees for their outstanding achievements. Their dedicated efforts and significant contributions to education have set an exemplary model at the School in the pursuit of pedagogical and education excellence.
Prof. Simon C. L. Au (left) receives the award from Prof. Francis K.L. Chan (right), Dean of Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Dr. Sam H.K. Poon (left) receives the award from Prof. Nick Rawlins (right), Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President (Student Experience), CUHK
Dr. Wong Wai-kai (left) receives the award from Prof. Francis K.L. Chan (right), Dean of Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
(From left) Dr. Chan Hon-fai; Dr. Ann Lau, Assistant Dean (Education) of the Faculty of Medicine, CUHK and Associate Director (Undergraduate Education) of SBS; Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS; Dr. Clement Chan; and Dr. Sam H.K. Poon
Group photo at the Teachers’ and Students’ Awards Presentation Ceremony 2023
獲獎者 |
課程(年級) |
歐澤樑教授(高級講師) |
醫學(二、三年級) |
潘匡杰博士(高級講師) |
生物醫學(全部年級) |
黃偉佳博士(講師) |
醫學(一年級) |
2023年度傑出老師及獎學金頒獎典禮 已於2023年5月20日在中大邵逸夫堂舉行,以上得獎老師在典禮中頒發獎項。我們衷心祝賀各位得獎老師憑著出色的表現獲得殊榮,他們對教育的專注及貢獻,為本學院在追求教學卓越上樹立典範。
获奖者 |
课程(年级) |
欧泽梁教授(高级讲师) |
医学(二、三年级) |
潘匡杰博士(高级讲师) |
生物医学(全部年级) |
黄伟佳博士(讲师) |
医学(一年级) |
2023年度杰出老师及奖学金颁奖典礼 已于2023年5月20日在中大邵逸夫堂举行,以上得奖老师在典礼中颁发奖项。我们衷心祝贺各位得奖老师凭着出色的表现获得殊荣,他们对教育的专注及贡献,为本学院在追求教学卓越上树立典范。