
Mr. Bruce T. K. Pang, a Year 3 Ph.D. student of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) under the supervision of Prof. Wan Chao, and a graduate student from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, CUHK, jointly won the Innovation Award and also a second-class award in Life Sciences under Innovation Category in the "Challenge Cup" National Competition Hong Kong Regional Final – Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2018 (Chinese version only). Prof. Woody W. Y. Chan, Associate Director (Graduate Education) of SBS was invited as one of the judges of this Category.

The competition aims to provide a platform to facilitate exchange on innovation and technology among students in tertiary institutions, and to identify young talents with innovative ideas and entrepreneurship. Entitled "Capillarized Myocardium Biochips for Personalised Therapeutic", Mr. Pang's winning project found a biochip which can be used for shortening the discovery time for heart disease drug, reducing the risks of human drug screening and even for heart transplantation in regenerative medicine.

We sincerely congratulate Mr. Pang on his outstanding performance and wish him every success in his future endeavors.

The related coverage by Communications and Public Relations Office can be viewed HERE.


「挑戰盃」全國賽香港區選拔賽為香港各大專院校學生提供創新科技的重要交流平台,並致力發掘科技創新及創業人才。彭德強先生獲獎項目名為「Capillarized Myocardium Biochips for Personalised Therapeutic」,得獎項目所研發的晶片可加快治療心臟病藥物開發和減低人體測試的風險,將來更有望作爲一種再生治療方法,將心臟器官移植到病人體内。




「挑战杯」全国赛香港区选拔赛为香港各大专院校学生提供创新科技的重要交流平台,并致力发掘科技创新及创业人才。彭德强先生获奖项目名为「Capillarized Myocardium Biochips for Personalised Therapeutic」,得奖项目所研发的芯片可加快治疗心脏病药物开发和减低人体测试的风险,将来更有望作为一种再生治疗方法,将心脏器官移植到病人体内。


