英國利物浦大學Anthony Hollander教授到訪生物醫學學院
Coordinated by the Office of Academic Links (OAL), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Prof. Anthony Hollander, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research & Impact and Professor of Stem Cell Biology, University of Liverpool, visited the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) and the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM) on 14 July 2018.
Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of SBS and iTERM, received Prof. Hollander and gave him a brief introduction on the latest development and overall governing structure of both SBS and iTERM. After the meeting with Prof. Chan, Prof. Hollander was arranged to have a guided tour of the School’s Core Laboratories accompanied by Prof. Kenneth K.H. Lee, Managing Director of Core Laboratories and Chief of the Developmental and Regenerative Biology (DRB) Thematic Research Program (TRP) of SBS.
During the visit, Prof. Hollander also met with members of the three TRPs of SBS, namely Cancer Biology and Experimental Therapeutics (CEBT), DRB, and Neural, Vascular, and Metabolic Biology (NVMB), to explore the opportunities in research and academic collaborations.
經香港中文大學學術交流處協調安排,英國利物浦大學副校長(研究)暨幹細胞生物學教授 Anthony Hollander教授(只限英文版本)於2018年7月14日到訪生物醫學學院(學院)及組織工程與再生醫學研究所(研究所)。
訪問當日先由學院院長及研究所所長陳偉儀教授接待Hollander教授,並向他簡介學院及研究所的最新發展情況及管治架構。會議結束後, Hollander教授獲學院中心實驗室營運總監暨發育及再生生物學主題研究組主任李嘉豪教授帶領陪同參觀了學院的中心實驗室。
经香港中文大学学术交流处协调安排,英国利物浦大学副校长(研究)暨干细胞生物学教授 Anthony Hollander教授(只限英文版本)于2018年7月14日到访生物医学学院(学院)及组织工程与再生医学研究所(研究所)。
访问当日先由学院院长及研究所所长陈伟仪教授接待Hollander教授,并向他简介学院及研究所的最新发展情况及管治架构。会议结束后, Hollander教授获学院中心实验室营运总监暨发育及再生生物学主题研究组主任李嘉豪教授带领陪同参观了学院的中心实验室。