
Professor Chan Wai-yee, Director of School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), led a CUHK delegation comprising of Prof. Leung Ting-hung, Director of School of Chinese Medicine (SCM), CUHK, and Prof. Albert H.H. Cheung, Dr. Lu Gang and Dr. Kelvin K.K. Miu of SBS, to give talks in a symposium hosted by Ningxia Medical University (NXMU), China between 2 and 4 July 2018, in celebration of the 60th anniversary of NXMU.

In the symposium, Prof. Chan gave a keynote lecture entitled “MicroRNA in normal and abnormal development of granulose cells”, while Prof. Leung made a presentation on “The development of Chinese Medicine in higher education of Hong Kong”. The talks given by Prof. Cheung, Dr. Lu and Dr. Miu covered the topics “Translational value of miRNAs as biomarkers and therapeutics”, “Impaired Pro-angiogenesis in Mesenchymal Stem Cells of Werner syndrome” and “The role of microRNAs in the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells”, respectively. As an honorary professor appointed by NXMU, Prof. Chan was also invited to give their international students another lecture on “The Chinese University of Hong Kong and its College system” and “Advances in biomedicine”. Apart from participating in the symposium, the delegation was also arranged to visit the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory in Reproductive Genetics and Human Stem Cell Institute in the affiliated hospital of NXMU and a museum of traditional Chinese medicine established by NXMU.

The symposium provided an excellent platform for in-depth discussion and exchanging views on a series of topics covering several areas of biomedical sciences and traditional Chinese medicine. Through the visit, mutual understanding between CUHK and NXMU has been strengthened, which forms a sound basis for exploring strategic collaborations in the future. At the same time, it is our hope that both institutions can look into the opportunities for research collaborations and academic exchange with the academic institutions along the Belt and Road Regions in the near future.

The related coverage by NXMU can be viewed HERE (Chinese version only).


於研討會中,陳教授獲邀作主題報告,題為「MicroRNA in normal and abnormal development of granulose cells」,而梁教授的主講題目則為「香港中醫藥高等教育發展」。另外,張凱鴻教授、路鋼博士及繆啟基博士均分別就「Translational value of miRNAs as biomarkers and therapeutics」、「Impaired Pro-angiogenesis in Mesenchymal Stem Cells of Werner syndrome」及「The role of microRNAs in the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells」等題目逐一作出報告。除了參加研討會,代表團亦獲安排參觀寧夏醫科大學附屬醫院的生育遺傳及人類幹細胞教育部重點實驗室及寧夏醫科大學的中醫博物館。




于研讨会中,陈教授获邀作主题报告,题为「MicroRNA in normal and abnormal development of granulose cells」,而梁教授的主讲题目则为「香港中医药高等教育发展」。另外,张凯鸿教授、路钢博士及缪启基博士均分别就「Translational value of miRNAs as biomarkers and therapeutics」、「Impaired Pro-angiogenesis in Mesenchymal Stem Cells of Werner syndrome」及「The role of microRNAs in the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells」等题目逐一作出报告。除了参加研讨会,代表团亦获安排参观宁夏医科大学附属医院的生育遗传及人类干细胞教育部重点实验室及宁夏医科大学的中医博物馆。


