Franki K. H. Tse, Ph.D. Graduate
Dr. Franki K. H. Tse graduated from the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) in 2014. Under the supervision of Prof. Helen Wise, he studied the role of Toll-like receptor 4 on sensory neurons and their interactions with satellite glial cells.
After graduation, Dr. Tse joined The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) as postdoctoral fellow to continue his study on glial cells, especially oligodendrocyte in the nervous system. In 2018, Dr Tse was awarded the Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowship to conduct a study on human multiple sclerosis at the University of Sydney, Australia.
Dr. Tse is now a Research Assistant Professor at HKUST, focusing on myelin degradation in the aging brain and age-related dementia. He is also the principal investigator of several projects in that area supported by the Research Grant Council and the Health and Medical Research Fund.
The rich knowledge and strong research training gained in his postgraduate study in SBS have laid down a solid foundation for him to further pursue his academic career. In future, he hopes to establish an independent laboratory and reveal the importance of oligodendrocyte in the early pathogenesis of different neurological disorders.
謝啟熹博士於2014年取得生物醫學學院頒發的哲學博士學位。在本學院慧凱倫教授的指導下,他研究了第四型類鐸受體 (Toll-like receptor 4) 在感覺神經元及與衛星膠質細胞相互過程中的作用。
在中大生物醫學學院研究生學習期間所汲取的知識和研究技巧, 為謝博士在學術領域上的發展奠下穩固的基石。未來他希望成立實驗室,研究少突膠質細胞在神經系統疾病發病早期時的重要性。
谢启熹博士于2014年取得生物医学学院颁发的哲学博士学位。在本学院慧凯伦教授的指导下,他研究了第四型类铎受体 (Toll-like receptor 4) 在感觉神经元及与卫星胶质细胞相互过程中的作用。
在中大生物医学学院研究生学习期间所汲取的知识和研究技巧, 为谢博士在学术领域上的发展奠下稳固的基石。未来他希望成立实验室,研究少突胶质细胞在神经系统疾病发病早期时的重要性。