Participation in CUHK-The University of California, San Diego Workshop
Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) cum Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice-President and School members participated in the first joint workshop between The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The University of California, San Diego (UCSD), U.S.A on 9 April 2019. Over 30 researchers from both universities were gathered in CUHK to explore collaboration opportunities in the areas of neuroscience, biomaterials and robotics.
Following the opening ceremony of the one-day workshop, the delegates from UCSD, including Prof. Robert Sah, Professor of Department of Bioengineering, UCSD, were invited to visit Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building. They were first briefed on the latest development of SBS and The Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM), and then guided to tour the Core Laboratories of the School to learn more about our research facilities.
To further exchange academic views in specific research areas, three group meetings were held between the delegates and members of SBS and iTERM. The participating SBS and iTERM members included Prof. Kenneth Lee, Prof. Feng Bo, Prof. Wan Chao, Prof. Jiang Xiaohua, Prof. Anna Blocki, Prof. Chan Hon-fai, Prof. Elmer Ker, Prof. Jiang Yangzi, Prof. Lee Chienwei and Prof. Michelle Wang. Through strengthening mutual understanding, it is our hope to forge closer partnership and research collaboration between SBS and UCSD in the near future.
The corresponding coverage by iTERM can be viewed HERE.
在研討會開幕儀式後,聖地牙哥加利福尼亞大學的代表包括生物工程學系Robert Sah教授(只限英文版本)獲安排參觀羅桂祥生物醫學綜合大樓。代表們到達大樓後,首先獲介紹學院及組織工程與再生醫學研究所(研究所)的最近發展,然後參觀學院的中心實驗室,以了解學院的研究設施。
為進一步就個別研究範疇交換意見,學院及研究所成員與聖地牙哥加利福尼亞大學代表分成三個小組進行討論。參與的學院及研究所成員包括李嘉豪教授、馮波教授、萬超教授、蔣曉華教授、Anna Blocki教授、陳漢輝教授、柯岱飞教授、姜洋子教授、李建緯教授及王丹教授。透過加強溝通,我們期望學院與聖地牙哥加利福尼亞大學於不久將來能在多個研究範疇成為緊密合作夥伴。
在研讨会开幕仪式后,圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学的代表包括生物工程学系Robert Sah教授(只限英文版本)获安排参观罗桂祥生物医学综合大楼。代表们到达大楼后,首先获介绍学院及组织工程与再生医学研究所(研究所)的最近发展,然后参观学院的中心实验室,以了解学院的研究设施。
为进一步就个别研究范畴交换意见,学院及研究所成员与圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学代表分成三个小组进行讨论。参与的学院及研究所成员包括李嘉豪教授、冯波教授、万超教授、蒋晓华教授、Anna Blocki教授、陈汉辉教授、柯岱飞教授、姜洋子教授、李建纬教授及王丹教授。透过加强沟通,我们期望学院与圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学于不久将来能在多个研究范畴成为紧密合作伙伴。