
On 22 August 2019, a training session themed “Introduction to Clinical Research” was held at the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), attended by the research staff and postgraduate students of SBS and the Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM).

During the session, Dr. Benny Fok, Scientific Officer of Clinical Research Management Office, the joint office of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hospital Authority’s New Territories East Cluster, briefed the participants about clinical research, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), clinical trial flow and specific procedures for seeking clinical ethics approval. We believe that this training session would have provided a clear guidance for our research staff and student members, facilitating them to observe the related procedures and requirements when carrying out clinical-related research projects in the future.

於2019年8月22日,一個主題為「Introduction to Clinical Research」的臨床研究培訓講座於本學院舉行,出席者包括本院及組織工程及再生醫學研究所的研究人員和研究生。


于2019年8月22日,一个主题为「Introduction to Clinical Research」的临床研究培训讲座于本学院举行,出席者包括本院及组织工程及再生医学研究所的研究人员和研究生。

