
Prof. Chan Wai-yee, Director of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) was invited to give a presentation at 2019 Global Conference of Chinese Geneticists at Fudan University, Shanghai, China on 23 to 25 August 2019.

Jointly organised by Fudan University, The Genetics Society of China and The Association of Chinese Geneticists in America to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Tan Jiazhen, an internationally renowned geneticist and one of the main founders of modern Chinese genetics, the Conference gathered numerous global genetics experts for academic exchange in genetics development. Other speakers included Prof. Anthony Wynshaw-Boris, President of the American Society of Human Genetics, Prof. He Fuchu, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as other renowned Chinese and overseas geneticists.

Through participation in such conference, we hope to extend and strengthen our networks with different academics and explore more collaborative opportunities for our School members.

Related coverage of ScienceNet.cn can be viewed HERE, whilst the coverage of The Genetics Society of China can be viewed HERE (Chinese version only).


大會由復旦大學,中國遺傳學會和美洲華人遺傳學會共同主辦,為了紀念國際著名遺傳學家、中國現代遺傳學奠基人之一談家楨先生誕辰110週年,匯集自遺傳學領域的專家出席,就遺傳學發展進行深入的交流。會議講者包括美國人類遺傳學會會長Anthony Wynshaw-Boris教授、中國科學院院士賀福初教授,以及一眾知名的中國及海外遺傳學家。




大会由复旦大学,中国遗传学会和美洲华人遗传学会共同主办,为了纪念国际著名遗传学家、中国现代遗传学奠基人之一谈家桢先生诞辰110周年,汇集自遗传学领域的专家出席,就遗传学发展进行深入的交流。会议讲者包括美国人类遗传学会会长Anthony Wynshaw-Boris教授、中国科学院院士贺福初教授,以及一众知名的中国及海外遗传学家。


