
With a Health and Medical Research Fund project, Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui received the Excellent Research Award from the Food and Health Bureau, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) at the Health Research Symposium 2019 on 12 June 2019. The awarded project is titled “Whole Exome Sequencing to Dissect the Genetic Factors behind Development Delay and Learning Difficulties”, which is a collaborative project of the School of Biomedical Sciences, the Department of Paediatrics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Clinical Genetic Service of Department of Health, HKSAR. The developed genetic analysis platform has been subsequently incorporated into the newly established Hong Kong Children’s Hospital.

Meanwhile, Prof. Tsui and his collaborators, including Prof. Liu Zhigang, Shenzhen University and Prof. Zhong Nanshan, Guangzhou Medical University obtained 2018 Second Class Award, Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award, which recognized their work on research and application of the dust mite allergy mechanism.

We sincerely congratulate Prof. Tsui on his remarkable achievements and wish him continued success in his research endeavors in the future.

憑藉醫療衞生研究基金項目,徐國榮教授在2019年6月12日舉行的2019年衞生醫護研討會上,獲頒香港特別行政區食物及衞生局卓越研究獎項。得獎項目題為「Whole Exome Sequencing to Dissect the Genetic Factors behind Development Delay and Learning Difficulties」,是生物醫學學院、香港中文大學兒科學系及香港特別行政區衞生署醫學遺傳科的協作項目,開發的遺傳分析平台已為新成立的香港兒童醫院所採用。



凭借医疗卫生研究基金项目,徐国荣教授在2019年6月12日举行的2019年卫生医护研讨会上,获颁香港特别行政区食物及卫生局卓越研究奖项。得奖项目题为「Whole Exome Sequencing to Dissect the Genetic Factors behind Development Delay and Learning Difficulties」,是生物医学学院、香港中文大学儿科学系及香港特别行政区卫生署医学遗传科的协作项目,开发的遗传分析平台已为新成立的香港儿童医院所采用。


