
Prof. Alaster H.Y. Lau and Prof. David C.C. Wan officially retired from the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) on 31 July 2019. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Lau and Prof. Wan for their invaluable contribution and support to the former pre-clinical departments, the School and the Faculty of Medicine over the years.

Immediately following the retirement, Prof. Lau was reappointed as Associate Professor (Teaching) to engage in teaching in the School with effect from 1 August 2019.


劉行榕教授於2019年8月1日獲轉任為副教授(教學), 繼續留任本學院專注教學工作。


刘行榕教授于2019年8月1日获转任为副教授(教学), 继续留任本学院专注教学工作。
